Raffinagemodel SERUM in hoofdlijnen. Toets en illustratie van de werking
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Policy Studies
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ECN publication
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The 1989 developed LP model on the refining industry in the Netherlands(SERUM) is used for long term energy scenario's developed at ECN. It is able
to calculate the effect of various changes in crudes, feedstocks, product
demand, product specification, energy use and SO2-emission standards. The
model contains three different refineries which equally fulfill product
demand. Each refinery has its own processing units, energy supply and
blending facilities. This report describes a set of calculations using the
model to illustrate its main features. In the model, and in practice, energy
consumption is mainly influenced by throughput and product mix (percentage of
heavy products). According to the model there is an optimal balance in the
ratio between diesel and gas oil on one hand and both naphtha and gasoline on
the other hand. A product ratio, which differs from the balance value, can
cause an increase of 10% in energy consumption or meet with production
limits. The model contains no separate energy saving measures. Difference
between model and practice can be observed in the amount of natural gas
firing and the handling of heavy fuel oil. It appears that not all practical
restrictions are incorporated in the model. The model is able to calculate
the effect of certain changes in product quality or SO2-emission limits. Cost
and energy figures of these changes are comparable with literature values. 1
fig., 23 tabs., 6 refs.
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