ECN publication
Haalbaarheidsstudie naar de verwerkbaarheid van drie reststromen middels pyrolyse
Published by: Publication date:
ECN 1998
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-C--98-023 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
56 Download PDF  

Three waste streams (electronic equipment scrap, waste of cables, andwaste of carpets) have been selected on the basis of the criteria that the waste streams can not or can hardly be treated at this moment, and that the availability of the waste streams is sufficiently high to realize an installation for thermal treatment. Subsequently, an assessment has been made in three steps towards the possibilities for thermal treatment of these waste streams with a technique which is based on a combination of either pyrolysis plus gasification or pyrolysis plus combustion. In the first step, an assessment of the rate of pyrolysis of the selected waste streams has been made. In the second step, a set of four techniques for thermal treatment have been selected and are described. The third step consisted of a study towards both the yield and the costs of production of electricity when treating the selected waste streams with the selected waste treatment techniques. 53 refs.

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