ECN publication
De toekomst van normontwikkeling en certificatie van windturbines: verslag van de workshop gehouden op 16 november 1998 (Utrecht)
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Solar Energy 1-3-1999
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-C--99-010 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
58 Download PDF  

Thee objectives of the title workshop were (1) To provide information oninternational standards and certification of wind turbines to a broader audience than just the NEC88; and (20 To offer a discussion forum on topical subjects and to inform and obtain information on these subjects to the target groups of wind turbine standards. The workshop was attended by representatives of the Dutch wind energy industry, utilities, engineering firms, insurance and financing companies, governmental organizations and the Dutch standardization committee, in total 32 representatives. A broad selection of concerned parties has attended the workshop. The most actual items of the national and international standardisation have been addressed. Results of the IEC working groups blade tests, power performance, load measurements and certification have been presented. The national safety document and the certification of wind turbines have been discussed extensively

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