ECN publication
Zon-Wel; Dynamische Zonnegevel
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Energy in the Built Environment 12-8-2008
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-E--08-012 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
61 Download PDF  

The main goal of the Zon-WEL-project 'dynamic solarfacade' was the development of innovative facade components and facade concepts which enable an intelligent facade system that: • adapts dynamically to actual conditions (day/night, seasons) • is market conform (in the sense that in terms of investments, exploitation costs and esthetics it does not distinguish negatively compared to standard facade systems) • reduces the energy use of buildings by 50% (based on EPC-calculations, this means the EPC of dwellings is 0.5 and for offices 0.7), and in the future enables energy-zero concepts. • has a low environmental impact during the life-cycle of the facade/building (that means reducing the use of material and energy use during the phases of production, usage and demolishing)” The project has been executed following the different phases: 1 Inventory of technique & market 2 Programme of requirements & wishes 3 Concept development 4 Development trajectory for components & systems 5 Demonstration, knowledge transfer The result of the project is a facade concept (the Smartbox Energy Facade) that is market conform and reduces the building related energy use by more than 50% without any additional costs compared to business as usual. On top of that it also improves the indoor climate due to decentralised facade integrated installations. The decentral installation-unit (the Smartbox) is integrated in the facade and takes care of the indoor climate of the space behind the facade. The facade concept can be realized without additional costs due to savings on the installations (equipment, ducts and cables) and a decreased gross floor height. The energy demand is reduced with 50% by measures like improved insulation, smart sun shading and daylight admittance combined with energy-efficient heating, cooling and ventilation. With the window integrated ETAP system daylight can be directed to the back of the room thus increasing lighting quality and decreasing the energy use of artificial lighting. More information can be found at The Smartbox Energy Facade is the result of the R&D project Dynamische Zonnegevel Zon-WEL (Dutch acronym for Heat, Electricity and Light of the Sun). The project is executed by ECN, TNO, Cepezed architects, Level Energy Technology, ITHO, AGC Flatglass, Free Energy Europe, Jan van der Vlugt & Zn. and the Rijksgebouwendienst.

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