ECN publication
Energiebesparing in Nederland 1995 - 2006; Update op basis van het Protocol Monitoring Energiebesparing
Boonekamp, P.G.M.; Gerdes, J.; Vreuls, H.H.J.; Verdonk, M.; Pouwelse, H.
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 28-8-2008
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-E--08-055 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
24 Download PDF  

This report presents the realized energy savings in the Netherlands for the period 1995-2006 for the sectors households, industry, agriculture, services, transport, refineries and electricity, and for the national level. The figures on energy savings are based on the ‘Protocol Monitoring Energy Savings’, a com-mon methodology and database to calculate the amount of energy savings. A description of the methodology used can be found in (Gijsen et al., 2006) . Results are presented for savings on final energy use, conversion in end-use sectors (co-generation) and conversion in the energy sector. National savings for the period 1995-2006 equal 0.9% per year on average, with a de-creasing tendency in recent years. For end-use sectors the highest figure is found for agriculture (2.1%) and the lowest figure for transport (0.4%). An uncertainty analysis reveals that the mar-gin for the national savings figure is +/- 0.3 percent-point.

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