ECN publication
A climate for collaboration. Analysis of US and EU lessons and opportunities in energy and climate policy
De Vita, A.; McLaren, J.; Cochran, J.; Coninck, H.C. de
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 12-11-2009
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-E--09-070 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
45 Download PDF  

This paper aims to improve mutual understanding between the EU and US with regard to climate change and energy policy, suggesting specific opportunities for transatlantic cooperation in this area. A background on the environmental, legislative, and economic contexts of the EU and US as they relate to climate policy sets the context. This is followed by an overview of how cap & trade, renewable energy, and sustainable transportation policies have taken shape in the EU and the US. Some observations and lessons learnt within each of these areas are highlighted. Building on these insights, recommendations are made regarding the carbon market, possibilities for new technologies to bridge the valley of death, and best practices and standards.

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