ECN publication
North Sea Transnational Grid, Dynamic wind farm model for simulating multi-termal HVDC grids
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Wind Energy 10-2-2014
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-E--14-006 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
93 Download PDF  

The integration of a large share offshore wind energy in the European electricity system requires a significant effort for the development of an offshore grid infrastructure. With the increasing wind farm sizes and distances to the onshore grid connection points, the technical and economical limits of High Voltage AC (HVAC) cables are reached at a certain point. With the development of High Voltage DC (HVDC) systems it has become feasible to build long transmission links to offshore wind farms, to interconnect wind farms and even to establish transnational interconnections for international exchange of wind power. In the NSTG project three scenarios for the NSTG are studied, representing different stages in the development of this grid, cf. [9]. Besides a good technical performance and economical feasibility the NSTG should be flexible and modular. This means that wind turbines and converters of different technologies and with different ratings can be connected and that the grid design is suitable for stepwise extension. It is likely that the NSTG will expand in steps, each time applying newer generations of power electronic converters and cable technology. Further, the NSTG will not only be connected to different national grids, but also to HVDC interconnectors, generating units, loads and storage systems.

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