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ECN publication
Final report Impact Assessment on the Future Action Plan for Energy Efficiency
Tipping, P. ; Antonelli, R.; Boonekamp, P.G.M.; Donkelaar, M. ten; Kroon, P.; Longstaff, T.; McLeod, K.; Srinivasan, M.; Tigchelaar, C.
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 29-12-2006
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-B--07-010 Book
Number of pages: Full text:
615 Download PDF  

Published in: Atkins, Final report Impact Assessment on the Future Action Plan for Energy Efficiency, 1, 615.

The Green Paper is clear that annual improvement in energy efficiency has declined from 1.4% per year in the 1990’s to stabilise at around 0.5% per annum. This is despite the intensifying exposure of climate change and dependence on insecure energy supply. Improved energy efficiency constitutes part of the solution to both problems. The Commission has stated that the question is ‘not whether to take action on energy efficiency, but which actions are to be taken where and when’. The impact of potential energy efficiency policy options were assessed in the categories of: • Awareness • Transformation • Transport • Financing Mechanisms • Using the Full Potential of Existing Legislation. Following an iterative process with the Commission, this Impact Assessment selected fiftyfour policy options or “actions” for a screening assessment; i.e. whether the action has an impact, where and the extent of the saving in Million tonnes of oil equivalent (Mtoe). Using a multi-criteria analysis (MCA) method, each action was scored against twenty-four criteria, with values given from +3 for a high positive impact, through 0 for definitive no, or no evidence for an effect, to -3 for a high negative. This assessment is presented in the report appendix. The MCA scores, without giving weights to different criteria, were used to select eighteen policy options for investigation in more detail. The following table presents the results of the impact assessment of the eighteen options selected. Primary energy saving potentials are given as margins or as point-estimates; in the latter case these estimates are valid only for full implementation of the policy options at EU and national scale in year 2020. The aggregate energy saving potential is discounted for policy options overlap and an estimate given for energy savings achieved by year 2012. In addition to the energy saving estimate, the options were scored in the MCA on two levels as follows: • Major impacts - criteria (comprising security of supply, cost effectiveness, time for effect, administrative costs and climate change mitigation). • All impact criteria used in the assessment including the Major impact criteria above. The findings are presented in no order of priority.

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