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ECN publication
Het Audi duo concept in de praktijk : milieuprestaties en de kansen en belemmeringen voor marktintroductie, bepaald in het Demonstratieproject Audi duo
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 1-9-2000
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-C--00-073 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
149 Download PDF  

The methodology and results for an assessment of environmentalperformance of a parallel hybrid vehicle, as well as an investigation into user experiences that may promote or hinder market introduction of this type of car, are described. A parallel hybrid vehicle is powered either by a combustion engine or by an electric engine. For the environmental assessment and the investigation of user experiences a demonstration project was conducted with 10 Audi duo parallel hybrid vehicles. During the course of the project, the vehicles were driven by a wide range of users and user groups. In total 93 persons have participated in the project. The user patterns and experiences of all users were investigated by means of a user survey. Three vehicles were equipped with an on-board monitoring system, recording speed-time patterns and various drive line parameters. Based on the outcome of the user surveys and the recorded vehicle data, a set of representative driving cycles was developed for specific 'fields of application'. On a chassis dynamometer, the Audi duo was tested on these cycles for the evaluation of energy use and emissions. The results were compared with measurements of a reference vehicle to provide insight in the environmental benefits of the Audi duo under various real-life conditions and the relation to user behaviour. The user survey resulted in information on the user experiences with the Audi duo that gave insight into possible obstacles for the market introduction of hybrid vehicles and how to overcome them. 7 refs.

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