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ECN publication
Evaluation of benefits and barriers of hydrogen in residential districts : final report
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Biomass, Coal and Environmental Research 1-2-2002
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-C--01-020 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
91 Download PDF  

In this report, the simulation results for the energy system of a districtcontaining 1300 houses is presented. The starting points for these calculations are the electricity and heating demand patterns based on the 'city of the sun', a planned residential area in Heerhugowaard, the Netherlands. The main focus is concentrated on the possibility of using hydrogen as an alternative energy carrier in future districts. The results are compared to a number of other reference concepts. These concepts use natural gas or electricity as the main energy carrier.

The influence of the primary or secondary energy carrier (natural gas, electricity and hydrogen) on the CO2-emissions, the cost and the primary energy consumption is considered. Components in the corresponding design of the energy system included buffers, fuel cells, burners and heat pumps.

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