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ECN publication
Techniekontwikkeling in een veranderde energievoorziening. Herbezinning op de Nederlandse R&D-aanpak
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 1-2-2001
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-C--01-022 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
41 Download PDF  

As part of the study 'Implementation of breakthrough energy technologies'the possible changes in Dutch R and D have been analysed in the light of the profound changes which take place in the energy system. According to government policy breakthrough technologies should play an important role to reach the goals in energy and environmental policy. However, the changes in the energy system so far have not led to a rethinking of the present R and D policy. The analysis concentrates on how the development, building and use of new energy technologies could be organised in another way, in reaction to various recent trends (e.g. internationalisation, liberalisation and new policy instruments, such as Benchmarking and Joint Implementation), and what this means for the parties involved and the national interest. First the present policy instruments to stimulate energy R and D have been mapped. It appears that only a small, and decreasing, number of instruments is available to support the development of technologies. Next, the effects of a number of new trends on R and D activities have been analysed. Most of these trends prove to be negative for present R and D policy. The national interest of executing R and D on specific energy technologies has been redefined for the future energy system. An evaluation structure has been designed to calculate the effect of different ways to realize new technologies in place (make or buy, etc.). The first results depict that the national interest is served reasonably well when not all activities take place on Dutch soil. Three alternative R and D trajectories have been sketched: purely market oriented, a mixture of market and government influence and European in stead of nationally organised. The trade-off with the trends and with the national interest has been investigated. Finally, this information is used to present a possible outline of a new R and D plan for the Netherlands, with a bigger role for market forces and the European Union. (13 refs. )

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