Deliverable D9 : market survey of last-mile communication services using PLC. PALAS - Powerline as an Alternative Local AccesS IST-1999-11379
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Energy in the Built Environment
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This report contains the results from a market survey performed duringspring 2001 in the Netherlands with respect to last-mile communication
services. The survey had a large response rate, which enabled statistically
valid conclusions for the whole Dutch market.
In this report the following items are discussed:
1. The household member?s interest and attitudes concerning services
distributed by last-mile access techniques like PLC.
2. The strategies for service offerings with a focus on distributed
services, based on PLC only, or in combination with other access techniques
as well as an exploration of capacity demands.
3 . Conclusions what type of segmentation model is useful to analyze
the market for communication service offerings.
4 . An overall strategy advice based on the market survey and on the
strategy models discussed in this report, as well as other market oriented
The questions focus on customer loyalty in a liberalised market, new
possible services to be added by utility companies and the customer?s
assessment of energy issues, especially with regard to renewables. The
data are analysed using three different segmentation schemes. A demographic,
customer loyalty and decision style segmentation of the results is presented.
There appears to be an opportunity for last-mile communication services,
especially in a liberalised market setting. Last mile services to be
offered give utilities possibilities to keep exsisting and gain new
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