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ECN publication
WaViNed operationeel; Industriële cases Huntsman en De Pijp
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Efficiency & Infrastructure 11-3-2011
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-E--10-085 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
50 Download PDF  

Heat is by far the largest final energy carrier in the Netherlands. The working group ‘Warmte’ of the Platform Keten Efficiency has developed an approach based on which the use of primary energy in the Netherlands is substantially reduced by taking heat as a starting point, the WaViNed approach. This project was carried out to show that the WaViNed approach has an added value compared to existing approaches. Two cases are executed one at Huntsman, a large chemical company, and one at a cluster of three companies. The results show that by applying the WaViNed approach much more energy efficiency projects are be found compared to the existing approach. Moreover, the overview over energy efficiency projects obtained from the WaViNed approach, makes it possible to are arranged projects in such a way that lock-in situations are avoided.

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