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ECN publication
Neutron metrology in the HFR: Irradiation of Low Activation Steel Specimens R285-05 (ILAS): evaluation report
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ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-I--98-040 Other
Number of pages: Full text:
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Within the framework of the advanced materials programme, ECN is workingon the assessment of low temperature irradiation hardening and embrittlement of ferritic-martensitic alloys for fission applications. The irradiation of specimen holder R285-05 (ILAS) in the HFR Petten, loaded with tensile specimens, manufactured from four types of stainless steel alloys, is part of this programme. The R285-05 assembly was irradiated in channel 1 of a TRIO type facility in HFR core-position D2 up to a target dose level of approximately 2.5 dpa (displacements per atom) in stainless steel at a nominal target temperature of about 300C (575K). In this report the final metrology results are presented obtained from activation monitor sets situated in one of the specimen channels inside the specimen holder, including detailed information concerning an estimation of the fluence dose received by each specimen separately and its temperature during irradiation. The total number of displacements per atom (dpa), the generated helium content and the activity values after irradiation for several waiting times are also given for each specimen. Additionally the metrology results were cross-checked with calculations by means of the KENO-Va Monte Carlo code, giving a rather good agreement on the mid-plane positions of the specimen holder, and larger deviations on the top and bottom positions of the assembly. The main results of the thermal and fast neutron fluence measurements, indicate that the obtained damage levels In the steel specimens loaded in this specimen holder vary from 2.2 to. 3.8. dpa. The temperatures of the specimens during irradiation varied between 315 and 360C. 29 refs.

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