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ECN publication
Reliability results for high-efficiency foil-based back-contact PV modules
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Solar Energy 14-9-2015
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-M--15-043 Conference Paper
Number of pages: Full text:
4 Download PDF  

In this paper we have presented an overview of the recent reliability results obtained at ECN for foil-based p-MWT, and novel high-efficiency n-MWT and IBC back-contact modules. As deduced from extensive TC and DH testing on p-MWT modules, two alternative low-cost conductive back sheet foils were shown to improve the module reliability. Exposure to DH of the foil-based modules can cause Cu discoloration. This is observed for EVA and a number of alternative encapsulants, with moisture ingress and some specific interactions between encapsulant and Cu substrate playing a role. The n-MWT modules showed improved resistance to DH exposure as compared to n-Pasha (front-to-back tabbing) modules. TC300 and DH2000 tests were passed for frameless IBC Mercury 2x2 modules built using standard foil-based module manufacture process and standard module materials.

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