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ECN publication
Status of PHATAS-III release "MAR-1995": SUN and DOS version
Published by: Publication date:
ECN 1996
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-R--95-015 Other
Number of pages: Full text:
44 Download PDF  

The status of release MAR-1995 of the computer program PHATAS-III and ofthe postprocessor for its binary output files is described. The postprocessor provided with PHATAS-III differs from the postprocessor provided with PHATAS-II release NOV-1994 because the contents of the binary data files are different. By reading the release label from the heading of the binary data files the postprocessor can retrieve properties from binary data files of PHATAS-III, and of PHATAS-II release NOV-1994 or APR-1994. This document includes the specifications of the code, the relevant modifications with respect to PHATAS-II release NOV-1994 and a list of the appropriate documentation. The output files of this PHATAS-III release are identified by a label in the heading, which is Release: MAR-1995. Release MAR-1995 is validated by comparison of calculated results with those from release NOV-1994 following the cases in the Test Procedure and one additional configuration dealing with a free yawing wind turbine subjected to stochastic wind generated with SWIFT. Some test cases are modified such that they include the 3D correction on the airfoil properties, the structural damping for blade bending deformation and the dynamic wake model for the free yaw case. Also some additional tests are performed dedicated to quantitative validation of the structural damping and on the proper functioning and the consistency of the 'dynamic wake' model. Finally this document includes the hardware requirements and an installation guide for the SUN version and for the DOS version. 29 figs., 15 tabs., 11 refs.

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