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ECN publication
Co-production of green, high quality hydrogen and bio SNG using electrochemical hydrogen compression
Grootjes, A.J.; Aranda Almansa, G.; Meijden, C.M. van der; Bouman, P.J.; Raymakers, L.F.J.M.
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Biomass & Energy Efficiency 30-6-2016
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-M--16-053 Conference Paper
Number of pages: Full text:
8 Download PDF  

Bio-SNG (Synthetic Natural Gas) is a gas containing mostly CH4, with properties similar to natural gas, which can be produced from thermochemical gasification of biomass coupled to subsequent methanation. Due to its interchangeability with natural gas, SNG can be injected into the existing grid and easily distributed for transport, heat, and electricity applications. SNG can also be efficiently converted in a number of proven end-use technologies.

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