ECN publication
De vereenvoudigde kogelbedreactor: het peu-a-peu concept [ECN-I--95-035]
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ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-I--95-035 Other
Number of pages: Full text:
36 Download PDF  

The peu-a-peu reactor is a very simple low power pebble bed HTR concept.Calculations done by Teuchert et al. of KFA Juelich on five designs of the peu-a-peu HTR concept are compared. A 20 and an 80 MWth design with steam generator, a 20 and a 40 MWth design with helium turbine and a 20 MWth design for district heating are being discussed. Reactivity effects, burnup and load following features were analysed, as well as accident scenarios with recriticality. The study serves as basis for optimization calculations of this design. 13 figs., 7 tabs., 19 refs.

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