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ECN publication
CRISP - Dependable ICT Support of Power Grid Operations
Gustavsson, R.; Mellstrand, P.; Tornqvist, B.; Akkermans, H.
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Energy in the Built Environment 14-9-2007
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-O--07-021 Other
Number of pages: Full text:
65 Download PDF  

This deliverable D2.4 Dependable ICT support 0f Power Grid Operations is a link between deliverable D1.6 Information security models and their economics and planned activities in WP III, that is, Implementation, Experiments and Tests. Background CRISP material includes deliverables of D2.2 Design document and multi-agent simulation tool for distributed demand-supply matching and D2.3 Design document and simulation tool for diagnostics of high-DG power networks. Furthermore there are links between this document and the deliverable D1.7 Report on distributed network architectures and D1.8 Reports on case study simulations and results. In short, this document specifies and extends the general background on security models and dependability models of deliverable D1.6 with CRISP specific material of D2.2 and D2.4 towards the experiments and tests of WP III. The focus of this deliverable is on dependable ICT support of power grid operation. By recasting the three CRISP experiments into three Scenarios in Chapter 2 we claim that we have a good description of benefits and challenges related to future virtual utilities. Among the challenges are securing trustworthy operation from a technical operation side (avoid disturbances such as blackouts) as wee as from a user-centric business point of view (value added power related services). Our investigation on proper means to safeguard operations of future virtual utilities begins with an assessment of lessons learned from recent (2003) big blackouts worldwide in Chapter 3. We propose an accident diagnosis and repair model (STAMP++ in Section 3.2) suitable for the complex socio-technical system we envisage for future cell-based virtual utilities (Figure 1-6). From this analysis and the background material from deliverable D1.6 Information security models and their economics, we then reassess the dependability concerns related to the CRISP related scenarios of Chapter 2. The deliverable provides some novel ideas and models that we claim are useful beyond the CRISP project. Having said that, there is much more work to be done along those the lines stated in the deliverable. A good start is the planned CRISP experiments.

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