ECN publication
A comprehensive long term benefit cost assessment for analyzing pan-European transmission highways deployment
Migliavacca, G.; Rossi, S.; Careri, F.; Sijm, J.P.M.; Olmos, L.; Ramos, A.; Rivier, M.; Van Hertem, D.; Huang, D.
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 1-12-2015
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-O--15-061 Other
Number of pages: Full text:
288 Download PDF  

The report aims at providing the details of the methodology set-up within the WP6 of the eHIGHWAY2050 project for the prioritization of alternative investments on a transmission network. This approach will be applied within the project for the assessment of the long-term investment needs (at 2050) on the pan-European system, generating the so-called Modular Plan. With respect to the traditional approaches, the present one significantly enlarges the scope of the analysis including a full range of technical-economic aspects, thanks to several original research contributions. However, particular care is taken in order to limit the computational burden and the formulation complexity, allowing an easy application in actual cases using widespread computation tools. The benefits and costs assessment (BCA) methodology is based on a reduction of all the cost and benefit elements the system is subject to as a consequence of the deployment of new transmission infrastructures. The different elements are all expressed in quantitative economical terms that can be algebraically added up in order to provide a clear scoring parameter to be used for analyzing alternative investments resulting from the e-Highway2050 scenarios.

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