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Publications of type Article (scientific) in 1997.
Seebregts, A.J.; Christensen, P.;
EWTS-II benchmark on data collection and parameter estimation for safety and reliability analysis of wind turbines
ECN-RX--97-057 EN oktober 1997; 6 pag.
Published in: Paper presented at EWEC'97 (European Wind Energy Conference), 5-9 October 1997, Dublin (), , Ed., p.-.
Rak, Z.S.; Snijders, G.;
Manufacturing of ceramic cutting blades by PIM
ECN-RX--97-056 EN september 1997; 23 pag.
Published in: Paper to be presented at the 1st European Symposium on metal injection moulding, PIM-97, during the Munich Trade Fair, Munich, G (), , Ed., p.-.
Rak, Z.S.; Czechowski, J.;
Manufacture and properties of Al2O3-TiN particulate composites
ECN-RX--97-010 EN april 1997; 17 pag.
Published in: the Proceedings of the 5th European Ceramic Society Conference, held in Versailles, France, June 22-26, 1997 (), , Ed., p.-.
Schenk, E.P.; Doorn, J. van; Kiel, J.H.A.;
Biomass gasification research in fixed bed and fluidised bed reactors
ECN-RX--97-011 EN 1997; 13 pag.
Published in: Presented at the international conference "Gasification and pyrolysis of biomass", Stuttgart, Germany, April 1997 (), , Ed., p.-.
Schönecker, A.; Koch, W.;
Results of the lifetime round robins done in the framework of the SEMI M6 solar silicon standardization task force
ECN-RX--97-012 EN 1997; 13 pag.
Published in: Paper has been presented at the advanced workshop on silicon recombination lifetime characterization methods, June 2-3, 1997, Sa (), , Ed., p.-.
Weeber, A.W.; Moor, H.H.C. de;
Technologie voor grootschalige productie van multikristallijn silicium zonnecellen en modules
ECN-RX--97-013 NL 1997; 5 pag.
Published in: Duurzame energie, nr. 2, 1997 (), , Ed., p.-.
Schepers, J.G.;
Noise aspects at aerodynamic blade optimisation projects
ECN-RX--97-015 EN 1997; 14 pag.
Published in: Paper, presented at the IEA expert meeting on aeroacoustics, March 17, 1997, Milano, Italy (), , Ed., p.-.
Spoelstra, S.; Stoop, P.M.; Dijk, A.B. van;
Assessment of SBWR safety-relief valve discharge line dynamic loads due to steam blowdown
ECN-RX--97-016 EN 1997; 8 pag.
Published in: Paper, published in the proceedings of the ICONE 5 conference "Nuclear advances through global cooperation", May 25-29, 1997, Ni (), , Ed., p.-.
Siccama, N.B.; Spoelstra, S.; Khorana, S.S.;
Passive aerosol removal within the ESBWR plant
ECN-RX--97-017 EN 1997; 7 pag.
Published in: Paper published in the proceedings of ICONE 5 "Nuclear advances through global cooperation", May 25-29, 1997, Nice, France (), , Ed., p.-.
Stoop, P.M.; Spoelstra, S.;
ECN contribution to the SBWR development program
ECN-RX--97-018 EN 1997; 13 pag.
Published in: Paper, published in the proceedings of ICONE 5 "Nuclear advances through global cooperation", May 25-29, 1997, Nice, France (), , Ed., p.-.
Stoop, P.M.; Spoelstra, S.; Huggenberger, M.; Yadigaroglu, G.;
TEPSS: technology enhancement of passive safety systems
ECN-RX--97-019 EN 1997; 8 pag.
Published in: Paper, published in the proceedings of ICONE 5 "Nuclear advances through global cooperation" (), , Ed., p.-.
Kuijper, J.C.; Haas, J.B.M. de; Klippel, H.T.; Hogenbirk, A.; Oppe, J.; Sciolla, C.M.; Stad, R.C.L. van der; Zhang, B.C.;
Reactor physics calculations on the Dutch small HTR concept
ECN-RX--97-020 EN 1997; 44 pag.
Published in: Paper, presented at the IAEA Technical Committee meeting on high temperature gas cooled reactor development "Commercializing the (), , Ed., p.-.
ECN, ;
ECN contributions to GLOBAL '97: international conference on future nuclear systems
ECN-RX--97-022 EN 1997; 54 pag.
Published in: Papers to be presented at the international conference on future nuclear systems, GLOBAL'97, to be held in Yokohama, Japan, 5-10 (), , Ed., p.-.
Beurskens, H.J.M.; Sinke, W.C.;
Renewable energy technologies: status and expectations
ECN-RX--97-023 EN 1997; 21 pag.
Published in: Paper, presented at the 1997 Annual conference of the Belgian Nuclear Society, 2-3 June, 1997 (), , Ed., p.-.
Schönecker, A.; Heasman, K.; Bruton, T.M.; Schmidt, J.; Poortmans, J.; Koch, W.;
Results of five solar silicon wafer minority carrier lifetime round robins organised by the semi M6 solar silicon standardisation task force
ECN-RX--97-024 EN 1997; 8 pag.
Published in: Paper, presented at the 14th European photovoltaic solar energy conference and exhibition, 30 June - 4 July, Barcelona, Spain (), , Ed., p.-.
Moor, H.H.C. de; Hoornstra, J.; Weeber, A.W.; Burgers, A.R.; Sinke, W.C.;
Printing high and fine metal lines using stencils
ECN-RX--97-025 EN 1997; 6 pag.
Published in: Paper, presented at the 14th European photvoltaic solar energy conference and exhibition, 30 June - 4 July 1997, Barcelona, Spai (), , Ed., p.-.
Burgers, A.R.; Wijk, J.J. van; Sinke, W.C.;
Interactive simulation of silicon solar cells
ECN-RX--97-027 EN 1997; 6 pag.
Published in: Paper, presented at the 14th European photovoltaic solar energy conference and exhibition, 30 June - 4 July 1997, Barcelona, Spa (), , Ed., p.-.
Schuurmans, F.M.; Sinke, W.C.; Schmidt, J.; Aberle, A.G.;
A comparative study between light-biased MW-PCD and MFCA measurements on high-quality surface passivated silicon wafers
ECN-RX--97-028 EN 1997; 6 pag.
Published in: Paper, presented at the 14th European photovoltaic solar energy conference and exhibition, 30 June - 4 July 1997, Barcelona, Spa (), , Ed., p.-.
Hylton, J.D.; Burgers, A.R.; Sinke, W.C.;
Absorption in thin textured silicon wafers
ECN-RX--97-029 EN 1997; 6 pag.
Published in: Paper, presented at the 14th European photovoltaic solar energy conference and exhibition, 30 June - 4 July, 1997, Barcelona, Sp (), , Ed., p.-.
Burgers, A.R.; Kinderman, R.; Hylton, J.D.; Moor, H.H.C. de; Sinke, W.C.;
Light-trapping in saw-damage etched silicon wafers
ECN-RX--97-030 EN 1997; 5 pag.
Published in: Paper, presented at the 14th European photovoltaic solar energy conference and exhibition, 30 June - 4 July 1997, Barcelona, Spa (), , Ed., p.-.
Tool, C.J.J.; Roosmalen, J.A.M. van; Schiermeier, S.E.A.; Huiberts, R.C.; Christie, G.M.; Sinke, W.C.;
Thin-film crystalline silicon solar cells in ceramic substrates
ECN-RX--97-031 EN 1997; 6 pag.
Published in: Paper, presented at the 14th European photovoltaic solar energy conference and exhibition, 30 June - 4 July 1997, Barcelona, Spa (), , Ed., p.-.
Späth, M.; Sommeling, P.M.; Wienke, J.A.; Roosmalen, J.A.M. van; Sinke, W.C.;
Stability of sealed nanocrystalline organic photovoltaic devices
ECN-RX--97-032 EN 1997; 6 pag.
Published in: Paper, presented at the 14th European photovoltaic solar energy conference and exhibition, 30 June - 4 July, Barcelona, Spain (), , Ed., p.-.
Wienke, J.A.; Kroon, J.M.; Sommeling, P.M.; Kinderman, R.; Späth, M.; Roosmalen, J.A.M. van; Sinke, W.C.;
Effect of TiO2-electrode properties on the efficiency of nanocrystalline dye-sensitized solar cells (nc-DSC)
ECN-RX--97-033 EN 1997; 6 pag.
Published in: Paper, presented at the 14th European photovoltaic solar energy conference and exhibition, 30 June - 4 July, 1997, Barcelona, Sp (), , Ed., p.-.
Sommeling, P.M.; Rieffe, H.C.; Kroon, J.M.; Roosmalen, J.A.M. van; Schönecker, A.; Sinke, W.C.; Peter, Ch.;
Spectral response and response time of nanocrystalline dye-sensitized TiO2 solar cells
ECN-RX--97-034 EN 1997; 6 pag.
Published in: Paper, presented at the 14th European photovoltaic solar energy conference and exhibition, 30 June - 4 July 1997, Barcelona, Spa (), , Ed., p.-.
Schönecker, A.; Moor, H.H.C. de; Burgers, A.R.; Weeber, A.W.; Hoornstra, J.; Sinke, W.C.; Michiels, P.P.; Steeman, R.A.;
An industrial multi-crystalline EWT solar cell with screen printed metallisation
ECN-RX--97-035 EN 1997; 6 pag.
Published in: Paper, presented at the 14th European photovoltaic solar energy conference and exhibition, 30 June - 4 July, 1997, Barcelona, Sp (), , Ed., p.-.
Sloot, H.A. van der; Kosson, D.S.; Cnubben, P.A.J.P.; Hoede, D.; Hjelmar, O.;
Waste characterization to modify waste quality prior to disposal
ECN-RX--97-036 EN 1997; 28 pag.
Published in: Bijdrage Conferentie Sardinie, October 1997 (), , Ed., p.-.
Sloot, H.A. van der; Cnubben, P.A.J.P.; Geusebroek, M.; Naus, R.W.M.; Jansen Venneboer, J.W.; Bosman, P.H.; Krom, A.H.; Sollman, C.P.;
The self-forming and self-repairing sealing method: development of concept towards full scale application
ECN-RX--97-037 EN 1997; 22 pag.
Published in: To be presented during 'Sardinia 97, sixth international landfill symposium', 13-17 October, 1997, S. Margherita di Pula, Sardin (), , Ed., p.-.
Koning, A.J.;
ECN contributions to NDST-97
ECN-RX--97-038 EN 1997; 58 pag.
Published in: Papers, presented at the international conference on nuclear data for science and technology, May 19-24, 1997, Trieste, Italy (), , Ed., p.-.
Jantsch, M.; Real, M.; Häberlin, H.; Whitaker, C.; Kurokawa, K.; Blässer, G.; Kremer, P.; Verhoeve, C.W.G.;
Measurement of PV maximum power point tracking performance
ECN-RX--97-040 EN 1997; 8 pag.
Published in: Paper, presented at the 14th European photovoltaic solar energy conference and exhibition, 30 June - 4 July, 1997, Barcelona, Sp (), , Ed., p.-.
Jantsch, M.; Verhoeve, C.W.G.;
AC PV module inverters with full sine wave burst operation mode for improved efficiency of grid connected systems at low irradiance
ECN-RX--97-041 EN 1997; 6 pag.
Published in: Paper presented at the 14th European photovoltaic solar energy conference and exhibition, 30 June - 4 July 1997, Barcelona, Spai (), , Ed., p.-.
Jantsch, M.; Verhoeve, C.W.G.;
Inverters with three phase output and without electrolyte capacitor for improved lifetime, efficiency and costs of grid connected systems
ECN-RX--97-042 EN 1997; 5 pag.
Published in: Paper, presented at the 14th European photovoltaic solar energy conference and exhibition, 30 June - 4 July, 1997, Barcelona, Sp (), , Ed., p.-.
Baltus, C.W.A.; Eikelboom, J.A.; Zolingen, R.J.C. van;
Analytical monitoring of losses in PV systems
ECN-RX--97-043 EN 1997; 6 pag.
Published in: Paper, presented at the 14th European photovoltaic solar energy conference and exhibition, 30 June - 4 July 1997, Barcelona, Spa (), , Ed., p.-.
Comans, R.N.J.;
Kinetics and reversibility of radiocaesium solid/liquid partitioning in sediments
ECN-RX--97-044 EN 1997; 20 pag.
Published in: Paper, presented at the NKS/IKO-1 Seminar 'Dating of sediments and determination of sedimentation rate', Finnish Centre for Radi (), , Ed., p.-.
Eikelboom, J.A.; Reinders, A.H.M.E.; Universiteit Utrecht. Vakgroep Natuurwet, ;
Determination of the irradiation dependent efficiency of multicrystalline Si PV modules on basis of IV curve fitting and its influence on the annual performance
ECN-RX--97-045 EN 1997; 6 pag.
Published in: Paper, presented at the 14th European photovoltaic solar energy conference and exhibition, 30 June - 4 July, 1997, Barcelona, Sp (), , Ed., p.-.
Koning, A.J.;
ECISVIEW: an interactive toolbox for optical model development
ECN-RX--97-046 EN 1997; 10 pag.
Published in: Presented at the Specialists' meeting on the nucleon nucleus optical model up to 200 MeV, 13-15 November 1996, Bruyeres-le-Chate (), , Ed., p.-.
Koning, A.J.; Delaroche, J.-P.; Bersillon, O.; CEA. Centre d'Etudes de Bruyeres-le-Chat, ;
Neutron and proton data files up to 150 MeV for 54Fe, 56Fe, 58Ni and 60Ni
ECN-RX--97-047 EN 1997; 28 pag.
Published in: Papers presented at the JEFF Specialists' meeting on intermediate energy data, 18 June 1997, NEA data bank, Paris (), , Ed., p.-.
Verhoeve, C.W.G.; Frumau, C.F.A.; Held, E.M. de; Sinke, W.C.;
Reliability testing of AC-module inverters
ECN-RX--97-048 EN 1997; 6 pag.
Published in: Paper, presented at the 14th European photovoltaic solar energy conference and exhibition, 30 June - 4 July 1997, Barcelona, Spa (), , Ed., p.-.
Verhoeve, C.W.G.; Frumau, C.F.A.; Held, E.M. de; Sinke, W.C.;
Recent test results of AC-module inverters
ECN-RX--97-049 EN 1997; 5 pag.
Published in: Paper, presented at the 14th European photovoltaic solar energy conference and exhibition, 30 June - 4 July, Barcelona, Spain (), , Ed., p.-.
Bruggink, J.J.C.;
Market metaphors and electricity sector restructuring: lessons for developing countries
ECN-RX--97-050 EN 1997; 18 pag.
Published in: Presented at the 20th annual international conference of the International Association of Energy Economics, New Delhi, 22-24 Jan (), , Ed., p.-.
Ree, R. van;
Lange-termijn perspectieven BIG/STEG systemen t.a.v. kosten en efficientie: integrale systeemberekeningen = Integral system calculations biomass-integrated-gasifier/combined-cycle (BIG/CC) systems
ECN-RX--97-052 NL 1997; 32 pag.
Published in: Bijdrage aan het Novem-project "Lange termijn perspectieven BIG/STEG systemen t.a.v. kosten en efficientie" (), , Ed., p.-.
Keverling Buisman, A.S.;
Dose coefficients for natural radionuclides
ECN-RX--97-053 EN 1997; 6 pag.
Published in: International symposium on radiological problems with natural radioactivity in the non-nuclear industry, Amsterdam (), , Ed., p.-.
Dodd, D.H.; Heijdra, J.J.; Prij, J.;
A repository design for the retrievable disposal of radioactive waste in rock salt
ECN-RX--97-054 EN 1997; 18 pag.
Published in: Paper presented at the "4th International workshop on the design and construction of final repositories", 6-8 October 1997, Luce (), , Ed., p.-.
Koning, A.J.; Chadwick, M.B.;
Multistep direct reactions: a microscopic two-component approach
ECN-RX--97-055 EN 1997; 10 pag.
Published in: Presented at the Specialists' meeting on the nucleon nucleus optical model up to 200 MeV, 13-15 November 1996, Bruyeres-le-Chate (), , Ed., p.-.
Grupa, J.B.;
Construction of a case for expert judgement of uncertainty in early health effects models
ECN-RX--97-058 EN 1997; 21 pag.
Published in: Contribution to the COSYMA user group meeting, 23-24 Sep. 1997, Prague (), , Ed., p.-.
Sinke, W.C.;
Stand van zaken fotovoltaische zonne-energie
ECN-RX--97-059 NL 1997; 4 pag.
Published in: Paper zal worden gepresenteerd tijdens de Nederlandse Duurzame Energie Conferentie 1997, 17-18 November 1997, De Reehorst, Ede (), , Ed., p.-.
Späth, M.; Kroon, J.M.; Sommeling, P.M.; Wienke, J.A.; Roosmalen, J.A.M. van; Meyer, T.B.; Meyer, A.F.; Kohle, O.;
New concepts of nano-crystalline organic photovoltaic devices
ECN-RX--97-060 EN 1997; 6 pag.
Published in: Paper, presented at the 26th IEEE photovoltaic specialists conference, September 29 - October 3, 1997, Anaheim, California, USA (), , Ed., p.-.
Burgers, A.R.; Eikelboom, J.A.;
Optimizing metalization patterns for yearly yield
ECN-RX--97-061 EN 1997; 6 pag.
Published in: Paper, presented at the 26th IEEE photovoltaic specialists' conference, September 29- October 3, 1997, Anaheim, California, USA (), , Ed., p.-.
Jansen, D.; Mozaffarian, M.; Schie, N. van;
High temperature fuel cells, a competing technology for gas turbines?: if you can't beat them, join them!
ECN-RX--97-063 EN 1997; 24 pag.
Published in: Paper presented at the second international fuel cell conference, 5-8 February 1996, Kobe, Japan (), , Ed., p.-.
Bussel, H.P.L.H. van; Koene, F.G.H.; Mallant, R.K.A.M.;
Dynamic model of solid polymer fuel cell water management
ECN-RX--97-064 EN 1997; 17 pag.
Published in: Submitted to Journal of power sources (), , Ed., p.-.
Wijtsma, F.J.; Cartwright, P.; United Kingdom. Atomic Energy Authority, ; Markgraf, J.;
In-pile behaviour of UKAEA produced silicide fuel elements at the HFR Petten, The Netherlands
ECN-RX--97-065 EN 1997; 20 pag.
Published in: Paper presented at the 20th RERTR meeting in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, USA (), , Ed., p.-.
Ybema, J.R.; Kram, T.;
MARKAL modelling and scenarios relating to availability of new energy technologies
ECN-RX--97-072 EN 1997; 24 pag.
Published in: Presented at IEA CERT workshop 'Energy technology availability to mitigate future greenhouse gas emissions', Paris, 16 June, 199 (), , Ed., p.-.
Pruschek, R.; Oeljeklaus, G.; Haupt, G.; Zimmermann, G.; Ribberink, J.S.; Jansen, D.;
The role of IGCC in CO2 abatement
ECN-RX--97-076 NL 1997; 8 pag.
Published in: Paper presented at the 'Third international conference on carbon dioxide removal (ICCDR-3)', MIT Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, (), , Ed., p.-.
Hienen, J.F.A. van; Poley, A.D.;
No real-time prognoses without diagnoses
ECN-RX--96-062 EN 1997; 9 pag.
Published in: Paper to be published in the Proceedings of the fourth international workshop on "Real time computing of the environmental conse (), , Ed., p.-.
Rabou, L.P.L.M.; Hartog, R. den;
Process furnaces fired with ceramic foam burners
ECN-RX--96-068 EN 1997; 10 pag.
Published in: To be presented at the 4th European conference on industrial furnaces and boilers, Esphinho, Porto, Portugal, April 1-4, 1997 (), , Ed., p.-.
Rabou, L.P.L.M.; Bodenstaff, H.;
High-efficiency los-NOx ceramic radiant burners
ECN-RX--96-069 EN 1997; 12 pag.
Published in: To be presented at the 4th European conference on industrial furnaces and boilers, Esphinho, Porto, Portugal, April 1-4, 1997 (), , Ed., p.-.
Pierik, J.T.G.; Frumau, C.F.A.; Secker, J.F.; Haan, S.W.H. de; Lewald, N.; Preuss, S.; Andersson, M.; Panagiotidis, T.;
An innovative autonomous 2 kW hybrid photovoltaic-wind power system for rural electrification (AREP)
ECN-RX--97-001 EN 1997; 10 pag.
Published in: This paper will be presented at the International Conference and Exhibition on Village Electrification through Renewable Energy, (), , Ed., p.-.
Verbakel, W.F.A.R.; Stecher-Rasmussen, F.;
A [gamma]-ray telescope for on-line measurements of low boron concentrations in a head-phantom for BNCT
ECN-RX--97-002 EN 1997; 15 pag.
Published in: Submitted to "Nuclear instruments and methods A" (), , Ed., p.-.
Voorbraak, W.P.; Appelman, K.H.; Nolthenius, H.J.; Osmera, B.; Posta, S.; Turzik, Z.;
International neutron metrology in the LVR-15 research reactor
ECN-RX--97-003 EN 1997; 10 pag.
Published in: Paper presented at the 9th ASTM-ENS symposium on Reactor Dosimetry, Prague, 2-6 September 1996 (), , Ed., p.-.
Rak, Z.S.; Czechowski, J.;
Influence of SiC particle shape on the properties of Al2O3-SiC composites
ECN-RX--97-004 EN 1997; 13 pag.
Published in: Paper will be presented at the Euromat 97, to be held in Maastricht, April 21-23, 1997 (), , Ed., p.-.
Boerrigter, H.; Verboom, W.; Reinhoudt, D.N.;
Novel resorcinarene cavitand-based CMP(O) cation ligands: synthesis and extraction properties
ECN-RX--97-005 EN 1997; 25 pag.
Published in: Submitted to "Journal of organic chemistry" (), , Ed., p.-.
Götz, W.W.J.;
Multicriteria decision analysis with influence diagram/decision tree models
ECN-RX--97-006 EN 1997; 14 pag.
Published in: Paper, presented at the "International seminar on decision analysis and its application in safety and reliability", 12th ESREDA (), , Ed., p.-.
Fokkens, J.H.; Duijvestijn, G.; Braam, H.;
Lower head temperature fields for CORVIS experiments with oxidic melt
ECN-RX--97-007 EN 1997; 8 pag.
Published in: To be published in the Proceedings of the 14th International conference on structural mechanics in reactor technology, held on A (), , Ed., p.-.
Brink, H.M. ten; Dougle, P.G.; Veefkind, J.P.;
Humidity dependence of the aerosol light-scattering by mixtures of ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate and soot
ECN-RX--97-008 EN 1997; 33 pag.
Published in: To be submitted for publication in the Journal of aerosol science (), , Ed., p.-.
Brink, H.M. ten;
The reaction between HNO3, H2SO4 and NaCl-particles
ECN-RX--97-009 EN 1997; 25 pag.
Published in: To be submitted for publication in the Journal of aerosol science (), , Ed., p.-.