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Publications of type Article (scientific) in 1998.
Ree, R. van;
To a sustainable energy supply system in the Netherlands: energetic, economic, and environmental boundaries
ECN-RX--98-065 EN december 1998; 16 pag.
Published in: Essay within the framework of the professional training "Examen Energieconsulent" of the "Stichting Post Hoger Onderwijs Energie (), , Ed., p.-.
Corten, G.P.;
The April 95 procedure to measure the pressure coefficient Cp on a wind turbine in the field: with the December 1998 proposal for a Cp-derivation
ECN-RX--98-066 EN december 1998; 25 pag.
Published in: Paper presented at the Annual IEA Symposium on the aerodynamics of wind turbines, December 3-4, 1998, Lyngby, Denmark (), , Ed., p.-.
Ree, R. van; Korbee, R.; Smidt, R.P. de; Jansen, D.; Baumann, H.R.; Ullrich, N.; Haupt, G.; Zimmermann, G.;
Green power production by co-gasification of biomass and coal in coal-fired oxygen-blown entrained-flow based IGCC processes
ECN-RX--98-059 EN november 1998; 23 pag.
Published in: Extended ECN contribution to: Power-GEN International, Orlando, Forida, December 9-11, 1998 (), , Ed., p.-.
Koukou, M.K.; Papayannakos, N.; Markatos, N.C.; Bracht, M.; Alderliesten, P.T.;
Simulation tools for the design of industrial-scale membrane reactors
ECN-RX--98-060 EN november 1998; 12 pag.
Published in: Chemical Engineering Research & Design; Transactions of the Institution of Chemical Engineers, Vol. 76, Part A, Nove (), , Ed., p.-.
Koukou, M.K.; Papayannakos, N.; Markatos, N.C.; Bracht, M.; Veen, H.M. van; Roskam, A.;
Performance of ceramic membranes at elevated pressure and temperature: effect of non-ideal flow conditions in a pilot scale membrane separator
ECN-RX--98-061 EN november 1998; 22 pag.
Published in: Journal of Membrane Science (Elsevier), 1999, Ed.155, p.241-259.
Pruschek, R.; Jansen, D.; Ree, R. van; Korbee, R.; Smidt, R.P. de; Williams, B.C.;
Advanced cycle technologies: improvement of IGCCs starting from the State-of-the-Art (Puertollano)
ECN-RX--98-063 EN november 1998; 38 pag.
Published in: Second conference "Coal and Biomass: High-Tech Fuels for the Future", clean coal technologies for solid fuels (JOULE-THERMIE, 19 (), , Ed., p.-.
Verkerk, E.C.;
Transient analysis for the high temperature pebble-bed reactor coupled to the energy conversion system
ECN-RX--98-064 EN oktober 1998; 12 pag.
Published in: Paper presented at the IAEA TCM 'Safety related design and economic aspects of high temperature gas cooled reactors', held in Be (), , Ed., p.-.
Rak, Z.S.; Correia, L.A.; Petrovsky, V.J.;
Elektrisch geleidende keramiek
ECN-RX--98-054 NL oktober 1998; 22 pag.
Published in: Verschijnt in 'Klei, Glas, Keramiek', 1998, nr. 11 (), , Ed., p.-.
Correia, L.A.; Laas, L.J.;
Corrosion of stainless steel coatings applied by different thermal spray techniques
ECN-RX--98-055 EN oktober 1998; 17 pag.
Published in: Contribution to EuroCorr Conference, Utrecht, 38 September - 1 October 1998 (), , Ed., p.-.
Schepers, J.G.;
An engineering model for yawed conditions, developed on the basis of wind tunnel measurements
ECN-RX--98-057 EN oktober 1998; 11 pag.
Published in: Paper will be presented at the AIAA ASME conference, January 1999, Reno, USA (), , Ed., p.-.
Selow, E.R. van; Wijk, J.J. van; Jehee, J.N.T.;
Identification and visualization of energy-consumption patters
ECN-RX--98-058 EN oktober 1998; 10 pag.
Published in: Paper, presented at the Distributech DA/DSM Europe 1998 conference, London, United Kingdom, 27-29 October 1998 (), , Ed., p.-.
Korobitsyn, M.A.; Kers, P.W.; Hirs, G.G.;
Analysis of a gas turbine cycle with partial oxidation [ASME Paper 98-GT-33]
ECN-RX--98-050 EN september 1998; 7 pag.
Published in: Presented at the 43rd ASME International Gas Turbine & Aeroengine Congress, Stockholm, Sweden, June 2-5, 1998 (), , Ed., p.-.
Korobitsyn, M.A.;
Enhancing direct-fired power plants performance by the use of gas turbine technology
ECN-RX--98-051 EN september 1998; 10 pag.
Published in: Keynote lecture at the 2nd International symposium on advanced energy conversion systems and related technologies RAN '98, Nagoy (), , Ed., p.-.
Oostvoorn, F. van;
European gas market developments: opportunities and threats
ECN-RX--99-008 EN september 1998; 28 pag.
Published in: Presented at the IAEE/GEE conference 'Energy Markets - What's New?', Berlin, 9-10 September 1998 (), , Ed., p.-.
Vermeulen, A.T.; Eisma, R.; Hensen, A.; Slanina, J.;
Transport model calculations of NW-European methane emissions
ECN-RX--98-052 EN augustus 1998; 12 pag.
Published in: Submitted for publication in "Environmental science and policy" (), , Ed., p.-.
Verkerk, E.C.;
Coupling thermal hydraulics with neutronics for pebble-bed high temperature reactor calculations
ECN-RX--98-047 EN augustus 1998; 9 pag.
Published in: Paper presented at the 'International Conference on the physics of nuclear science and technology', held on Long Island, New Yor (), , Ed., p.-.
Veldhuis, J.B.J.; Bruijn, F.A. de; Mallant, R.K.A.M.;
Air pollution: a problem for the SPFC cathode?
ECN-RX--98-048 EN augustus 1998; 15 pag.
Published in: To be published in the proceedings of 1998 Fuel cell seminar, Palm Springs, California, USA, 16-19 November 1998 (), , Ed., p.-.
Duijvestijn, M.C.; Koning, A.J.; Beijers, J.P.M.; Ferrari, A.; Gastal, M.; Klinken, J. van; Ostendorf, R.W.; Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Kernfysisch, ;
Proton-induced fission at 190 MeV of natW, 197Au, natPb and 232Th
ECN-RX--98-049 EN augustus 1998; 26 pag.
Published in: Submitted to Physical Review C (), , Ed., p.-.
Ree, R. van; Korbee, R.; Jansen, D.; Baumann, H.R.; Ullrich, N.; Haupt, G.; Zimmermann, G.;
Co-gasification of biomass and coal in entrained-flow based IGCCs
ECN-RX--98-042 EN juli 1998; 12 pag.
Published in: ECN contributions to: POWER-GEN '98, Milan, Italy, 9-11 June 1988; BIOENERGY '98, Madison, Wisconsin, 4-8 October 1998 (), , Ed., p.-.
Baltus, C.W.A.; Kuijper, F.J.; Oostrum, H.E.; Middelman, B.C.; Rössler, E.; Nordmann, T.;
A photovoltaic data acquisition program for supervision monitoring of a large number of AC-modules
ECN-RX--98-053 EN juli 1998; 4 pag.
Published in: Paper, presented at the 2nd World Conference and Exhibition on Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conversion, Vienna, Austria, 6-10 July, (), , Ed., p.-.
Voorbraak, W.P.; Freudenreich, W.E.; Deurwaarder, C.P.; Kaa, T. van der; Carchon, R.; Baeten, P.; Bruggeman, M.; Holkamp, P.;
Detection and monitoring systems for the prevention of illicit trafficking of radioactive and nuclear materials at sea ports in EU member states
ECN-RX--98-046 EN juli 1998; 4 pag.
Published in: To be presented at the International conference on safety of radiation sources and security of radioactive materials, organized (), , Ed., p.-.
Sloot, H.A. van der;
Characterization of the leaching behaviour of cement mortars to assess long term environmental behavour during their service life and their recycling stage
ECN-RX--98-026 EN juli 1998; 22 pag.
Published in: Submitted to the Journal of Cement and Concrete Research (), , Ed., p.-.
Burgers, A.R.; Tool, C.J.J.; Hylton, J.D.; Weeber, A.W.; Verholen, A.G.B.J.; Gardeniers, J.G.E.; Boer, M.J. de; Elwenspoek, M.C.; Twente University, ;
Silicon solar cells structured by reactive ion etching and processed with screen printing
ECN-RX--98-037 EN juli 1998; 4 pag.
Published in: Paper, presented at the 2nd World conference and exhibition on photovoltaic solar energy conversion, Vienna, Austria, 6-10 July (), , Ed., p.-.
Bonekamp, B.C.; Pex, P.P.A.C.;
Aspects of suspensions and sol processing for the manufacturing of high performance ceramic membranes
ECN-RX--98-024 EN juni 1998; 18 pag.
Published in: Contribution to CIMTEC, World Ceramics Congress & Forum on New Materials, Florence, Italy, 14-19 June 1998 (), , Ed., p.-.
Oosterheert, R.J.; Harmelen, A.K. van; Oostvoorn, F. van;
Convergence of energy policies: external dimension of Trans European networks
ECN-RX--98-008 EN april 1998; 43 pag.
Published in: Discussion paper Preparatory Seminar for the energy dialogue between EU and associated CEEC, Brussels, Belgium, April 8, 1997 (), , Ed., p.-.
Kosson, D.S.; Sloot, H.A. van der;
Integration of testing protocols for evaluation of contaminant release from monolithic and granular wastes
ECN-RX--98--004 EN maart 1998; 15 pag.
Published in: Waste Materials in Construction - Putting Theory Into Practice. Studies in Environmental Science 71 (), , Ed., p.-.
Ybema, J.R.; Menkveld, M.; Kram, T.;
Securing flexibility in the energy system to meet future CO2 reduction: an inventory of hedging options
ECN-RX--97-074 EN februari 1998; 19 pag.
Published in: Paper presented at the IEA 'Third Modelling Seminar' on 'Uncertainty and Policy Choices to meet UNFCCC Objectives', Paris, Octob (), , Ed., p.-.
Corten, G.P.;
The Stall Flag method: proof of concept
ECN-RX--98-001 EN 1998; 13 pag.
Published in: Paper, presented at the joint ASME/AIAA wind energy symposium, Reno, USA, January 12-15, 1998 (), , Ed., p.-.
Osch, E.V. van; Horsten, M.G.; Vries, M.I. de;
Irradiation testing of 316L(N)-IG austenitic stainless steel for ITER
ECN-RX--98-002 EN 1998; 24 pag.
Published in: Paper submitted to ICFRM-8, 26-31 October 1997, Sendai, Japan (), , Ed., p.-.
ECN. Brandstoffen,  Conversie en Milieu [BCM];
ECN contribution to the 10th European conference: 'Biomass for energy and industry': 8-11 June, Würzburg, Germany
ECN-RX--98-003 EN 1998; 29 pag.
Published in: Contributions of ECN to the 'Biomass for Energy and Industry : 10th European Conference and Technology Exhibition', Würzburg, Ge (), , Ed., p.-.
Veen, H.M. van; Alderliesten, P.T.;
Technical and economic evaluation on the use of membrane reactors for the dehydrogenation of propane to propylene
ECN-RX--97-021 EN 1998; 21 pag.
Published in: Paper, presented at the 4th workshop in the European Science Foundation network on catalytic membrane reactors, held in Oslo, No (), , Ed., p.-.
Siccama, N.B.; Koning, H.;
Afterheat removal from a helium reactor under accident conditions: CFD calculations for the code-to-code benchmark analyses on the thermal behaviour for the gas turbine modular helium reactor
ECN-RX--97-066 EN 1998; 11 pag.
Published in: To be published in the proceedings of the NEA workshop on 'High temperature engineering research facilities and experiments' (12 (), , Ed., p.-.
Siccama, N.B.; Koning, H.;
Results of the GT-MHR benchmark with the CFX code: afterheat removal from a helium reactor under accident conditions
ECN-RX--97-067 EN 1998; 25 pag.
Published in: To be published in an IEA Tecdoc on 'Heat transport and afterheat removal for gas cooled reactors under accident conditions' (), , Ed., p.-.
Götz, W.W.J.;
Onzekerheid rond onderbrekingen in de elektriciteitslevering
ECN-RX--97-068 NL 1998; 17 pag.
Published in: Analyses uitgevoerd binnen het RELDA (Reliability Data Analysis) project (), , Ed., p.-.
Gregoire Padró, C.E.; Schucan, T.H.; Skolnik, E.; Energetics, ; Bracht, M.;
Evaluation tool for selection and optimization of hydrogen demonstration projects
ECN-RX--97-073 EN 1998; 8 pag.
Published in: Paper, presented at the Hypothesis II conference, held in Grimstad, Norway, 18-22 August 1997 (), , Ed., p.-.
Harmelen, A.K. van; Oostvoorn, F. van; Oosterheert, R.J.;
Convergence of energy policies: energy conservation
ECN-RX--98-009 EN 1998; 48 pag.
Published in: Paper presented at the Seminar on the energy dialogue between EU and the associated countries in central and eastern Europe, Bru (), , Ed., p.-.
Heuveln, F.H. van; Burgers, A.R.; Bouwmeester, H.J.M.;
Constriction of current lines for a porous electrode and effect on electrolyte resistance
ECN-RX--98-010 EN 1998; 23 pag.
Published in: Accepted for publication by the Journal of the Electrochemical Society (), , Ed., p.-.
Kloosterman, J.L.;
Multiple recycling of plutonium in advanced PWRs
ECN-RX--98-011 EN 1998; 10 pag.
Published in: Contribution to the 5th International conference on recycling, conditioning and disposal (RECOD 1998), 25-28 Oct. 1998, Nice, Fr (), , Ed., p.-.
Sinke, W.C.;
Multicrystalline silicon solar cells
ECN-RX--98-012 EN 1998; 14 pag.
Published in: Paper presented at the 9th CIMTEC, World ceramics congress and forum on new materials, June 14-19, 1998, Florence, Italy (), , Ed., p.-.
Bach, P.W.; Haije, W.G.;
Storage, transformation and transport of heat along the thermochemical route
ECN-RX--98-013 EN 1998; 15 pag.
Published in: Paper presented at IEA-Annex 10, "Phase change materials and chemical reactions for thermal energy storage", first workshop, Apr (), , Ed., p.-.
Koning, A.J.;
NEANSC working party on evaluation cooperation: subgroup 13: Intermediate Energy data final report and recommendations for follow-up
ECN-RX--98-014 EN 1998; 15 pag.
Published in: Contribution to the NEANSC working party on evaluation cooperation (), , Ed., p.-.
Koning, A.J.; Delaroche, J.-P.; Bersillon, O.; CEA. Centre d'Etudes de Bruyeres-le-Chat, ;
Nuclear data for accelerator-driven systems: nuclear models experiments and data libraries
ECN-RX--98-015 EN 1998; 31 pag.
Published in: Submitted for publication in Nuclear Instruments and Methods A (), , Ed., p.-.
Bracht, M.; Groot, A. de; Gregoire Padró, C.E.; Schucan, T.H.; Skolnik, E.; Energetics, ;
Evaluation tool for selection and optimisation of hydrogen demonstration projects : application to a decentralised renewable hydrogen system
ECN-RX--98-017 EN 1998; 14 pag.
Published in: Paper, to be presented at the 12th World Hydrogen Energy Conference, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 22-26 June 1998 (), , Ed., p.-.
Rak, Z.S.;
New trends in powder injection moulding
ECN-RX--98-018 EN 1998; 19 pag.
Published in: Paper, presented on the International symposium on "Functionally graded composites, held in Kiev, May 19-22, 1998" (), , Ed., p.-.
Groot, A. de; Bracht, M.; Gregoire Padró, C.E.; Schucan, T.H.; Skolnik, E.; Energetics, ;
Development of guidelines for the design of integrated hydrogen systems
ECN-RX--98-019 EN 1998; 14 pag.
Published in: Paper will be presented at the 12th World hydrogen energy conference, to be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, 22-26 June 1998 (), , Ed., p.-.
Pellis, J.; Rijt, P.J.N.M. van de;
Zonnige toekomst met gelijkstroom?
ECN-RX--98-020 NL 1998; 13 pag.
Published in: Artikel zal worden gepubliceerd in het tijdschrift "Energie techniek" (), , Ed., p.-.
Dodd, D.H.; Grupa, J.B.; Heijdra, J.J.; Prij, J.;
A repository design for the retrievable disposal of radioactive waste in rock salt
ECN-RX--98-022 EN 1998; 17 pag.
Published in: Paper to be presented at DISTEC '98, Disposal technologies and concepts 1998, 9th - 11th September 1998, Hamburg, Germany (), , Ed., p.-.
Haverkate, B.R.W.; Heek, A.I. van; Jehee, J.N.T.;
Nuclear cogeneration based on HTR technology
ECN-RX--98-007 EN 1998; 15 pag.
Published in: Contribution to the 6th International conference on nuclear engineering (ICONE-6), 10-15 May 1998, San Diego, United States of A (), , Ed., p.-.
Rak, Z.S.;
Fibre reinforced CMC with organometallic delivered matrix
ECN-RX--98-025 EN 1998; 17 pag.
Published in: Paper, presented at the conference CIMTEC, World ceramics congress & forum on new materials, held in Florence, Italy, from 14 ti (), , Ed., p.-.
Hinsch, A.; Kinderman, R.; Späth, M.; Rijnberg, E.; Roosmalen, J.A.M. van;
The performance of dye-sensitised solar cells with a one-facial, monolithic layer built-up prepared by screen printing
ECN-RX--98-038 EN 1998; 6 pag.
Published in: Paper, presented at the 2nd World conference and exhibition on photovoltaic solar energy conversion, Vienna, Austria, 06-10 July (), , Ed., p.-.
Soppe, W.J.; Weeber, A.W.; Moor, H.H.C. de; Sinke, W.C.; Lauinger, T.; Auer, R.; Lenkeit, B.; Aberle, A.G.;
Cost-effective MC-Si cell processing by screenprinting on remote-PECVD layers
ECN-RX--98-039 EN 1998; 5 pag.
Published in: Paper, presented at the 2nd World conference and exhibition on photovoltaic solar energy conversion, Vienna, Austria, 06-10 July (), , Ed., p.-.
Sommeling, P.M.; Späth, M.; Roosmalen, J.A.M. van; Meyer, T.B.; Meyer, A.F.; Kohle, O.;
Dye-sensitized nanocrystalline TiO2 solar cells on flexible substrates
ECN-RX--98-040 EN 1998; 6 pag.
Published in: Paper, presented at the 2nd World conference and exhibition on photovoltaic solar energy conversion, Vienna, Austria, 06-10 July (), , Ed., p.-.
Dias, F.B.; Plomp, L.; Veldhuis, J.B.J.;
Trends in polymer electrolytes for secondary lithium batteries
ECN-RX--98-041 EN 1998; 56 pag.
Published in: Submitted to Journal of power sources (), , Ed., p.-.
Koning, A.J.;
Workshop on nuclear reaction data and nuclear reactors: physics, design and safety
ECN-RX--98-027 EN 1998; 33 pag.
Published in: Two contributions presented at the Workshop on nuclear reaction data and nuclear reactors: physics, design and safety, 23 Feb. - (), , Ed., p.-.
Verbakel, W.F.A.R.; Schram, R.P.C.;
Design of a Visual Inspection and Nuclide Identification System for High level radioactive waste (VINISH)
ECN-RX--98-029 EN 1998; 10 pag.
Published in: Paper to be presented at RECOD'98, Nice, France, 25-28 October 1998 (), , Ed., p.-.
Selow, E.R. van; Ouden, A.C.B. den;
Neuro-fuzzy control in a steam boiler
ECN-RX--98-030 EN 1998; 7 pag.
Published in: Paper, presented at the 6th European congress on intelligent techniques and soft computing (EUFIT'98), Aachen, Germany, Septembe (), , Ed., p.-.
Goris, M.J.A.A.; Moor, H.H.C. de; Weeber, A.W.; Kossen, E.J.; Beeke, H.G. ter; Frisson, L.; Szlufcik, J.;
Emitter diffusion using an IR belt furnace
ECN-RX--98-031 EN 1998; 6 pag.
Published in: Paper, presented at the 2nd World conference and exhibition on photovoltaic solar energy conversion, Vienna, Austria, 06-10 July (), , Ed., p.-.
Schönecker, A.; Weeber, A.W.; Sinke, W.C.; Zechner, C.; Kress, A.; Fath, P.;
Attacking limiting factors in 10.10 cm2 multicrystalline silicon, emitter wrap-through solar cell design and processing
ECN-RX--98-032 EN 1998; 6 pag.
Published in: Paper, presented at the 2nd World conference and exhibition on photovoltaic solar energy conversion, Vienna, Austria, 06-10 July (), , Ed., p.-.
Rijnberg, E.; Kroon, J.M.; Wienke, J.A.; Hinsch, A.; Roosmalen, J.A.M. van; Sinke, W.C.; Scholtens, B.J.R.; Vries, J.G. de; Koster, C.G. de; Duchateau, A.L.L.; Maes, I.C.H.; Henderickx, H.J.W.;
Long-term stability of nanocrystalline dye-sensitized solar cells
ECN-RX--98-033 EN 1998; 8 pag.
Published in: Paper, presented at the 2nd World conference and exhibition on photovoltaic solar energy conversion, Vienna, Austria, 06-10 July (), , Ed., p.-.
Schiermeier, S.E.A.; Tool, C.J.J.; Roosmalen, J.A.M. van; Laas, L.J.; Keitz, A. von; Sinke, W.C.;
LPE-growth of crystalline silicon layers on ceramic substrates
ECN-RX--98-034 EN 1998; 6 pag.
Published in: Paper, presented at the 2nd World conference and exhibition on photovoltaic solar energy conversion, Vienna, Austria, 06-10 July (), , Ed., p.-.
Nieuwenhout, F.D.J.; Rijt, P.J.N.M. van de; Wiggelinkhuizen, E.J.; Plas, R.J. van der;
Rural lighting: a comparison of lamps for domestic lighting in developing countries
ECN-RX--98-035 EN 1998; 6 pag.
Published in: Paper, presented at the 2nd World conference and exhibition on photovoltaic solar energy conversion, Vienna, Austria, 06-10 July (), , Ed., p.-.
Hoornstra, J.; Moor, H.H.C. de; Roberts, S.; Bruton, T.M.;
First experiences with double layer stencil printing for low cost production solar cells
ECN-RX--98-036 EN 1998; 6 pag.
Published in: Paper, presented at the 2nd World conference and exhibition on photovoltaic solar energy conversion, Vienna, 06-10 July 1998 (), , Ed., p.-.
Koning, A.J.;
Review of LA150 library for ENDF/B-VI: Subgroup 13/22 of the Working Party on Evaluation Coordination
ECN-RX--98-067 EN 1998; 0 pag.
Published in: To be presented at CSEWG Meeting, Brookhaven, New York, USA, 20-22 October 1998 (), , Ed., p.-.
Keitz, A. von; Roosmalen, J.A.M. van; Tool, C.J.J.; Schiermeier, S.E.A.; Fung, F.; Christie, G.M.; Zutphen, A.J.M.M. van;
Improvement of low cost ceramic substrates for use in thin film silicon solar cells
ECN-RX--98-045 EN 1998; 6 pag.
Published in: Paper, presented at the 2nd World conference and exhibition on photovoltaic solar energy conversion, Vienna, Austria, 06-10 July (), , Ed., p.-.
Rademakers, L.W.M.M.; Schie, R.G. van; Schuitema, R.; Vriesema, B.; Gardner, F.;
Physical model testing for characterising the AWS
ECN-RX--98-056 EN 1998; 8 pag.
Published in: ECN contribution to the European Wave Energy Conference EWEC '98, Patras, Greece, 30 September - 2 October 1998 (), , Ed., p.-.