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ECN publication
Waste heat driven silica gel/water adsorption cooling in trigeneration
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Efficiency & Infrastructure 14-1-2010
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-W--09-051 Article (scientific)
Number of pages:

Published in: Applied Thermal Engineering (Elsevier), , 2010, Vol., p.-.

A low-grade waste heat driven solid/vapour adsorption chiller has been successfully designed and tested. A simple model was developed to aid the design and predict the performances. The system comprised two identical sorption reactors operating out of phase in order to ensure continuous cold production. One sorption reactor consisted of six commercially available automotive plate/fin heat exchangers in which silica gel grains were accommodated between the fins. The system was tested as to the power delivered at 12 °C and the power density. The average cooling power was 3.6 kW. This is only 72% of the design value and can be largely attributed to the lower heat transfer fluid flow rate through the sorbent reactor. The thermal efficiency, COP, was 0.62 and the power density was 17 kW/m3 for the system as a whole. Higher power densities are possible. At present, the adsorption chiller is integrated in a prototype trigeneration system, which is tested at CRF's Ecobuilding in Turin.

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