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Publications from author Kopecky, J. 
Kopecky, J.; Nierop, D.;
The European Activation File EAF-4: summary documentation [ECN-C--95-072]
ECN-C--95-072 EN 1995; 321 pag.
Betak, E.; Kopecky, J.; Cvelbar, F.;
Another possible manifestation of the energy-dependent width of giant dipole resonance
ECN-RX--92-012 EN 1992; 23 pag.
Kopecky, J.; Nierop, D.;
Contents of EAF-3 : A supplement to the EAF-3 data file with 14.5 MeV cross-section values = ECN-I--92-023
ECN-I--92-023 EN 1992; 243 pag.
Kopecky, J.; Uhl, M.; Chrien, R.E.;
Distribution of radiative strength in GD-156, 157 and 158 nuclei
ECN-RX--92-011 EN 1992; 37 pag.
Kopecky, J.; Kamp, H.A.J. van der; Gruppelaar, H.; Nierop, D.;
The European activation file EAF-3 with neutron activation and transmutation cross-sections.
ECN-C--92-058 EN 1992; 60 pag.
Kopecky, J.; Gruppelaar, H.; Kamp, H.A.J. van der; Nierop, D.;
European fusion file, version-2, EFF-2 : Final report on basic data file.
ECN-C--92-036 EN 1992; 345 pag.
Uhl, M.; Kopecky, J.;
Neutron capture cross sections and gamma-ray strength functions
ECN-RX--92-055 EN 1992; 8 pag.
Kopecky, J.; Delfini, M.G.; Kamp, H.A.J. van der; Gruppelaar, H.; Nierop, D.;
Neutron capture cross-section of fission products in the European activation file EAF-3
ECN-RX--92-022 EN 1992; 17 pag.
Kopecky, J.; Delfini, M.G.; Kamp, H.A.J. van der; Nierop, D.;
Revisions and extensions of neutron capture cross-sections in the European activation file EAF-3.
ECN-C--92-051 EN 1992; 116 pag.
Kopecky, J.; Uhl, M.;
Status of statistical model capture calculations
ECN-RX--92-064 EN 1992; 8 pag.
Becvar, F.; Cejnar, P.; Chrien, R.E.; Kopecky, J.;
Test of Brink's hypothesis by a method of two-step cascades
ECN-RX--92-007 EN 1992; 46 pag.
Kopecky, J.; Nierop, D.;
Contents of EAF-2. : A supplement to the EAF-2 data file.
ECN-I--91-053 EN 1991; 0 pag.
Kopecky, J.; Gruppelaar, H.; Forrest, R.A.;
European activation file for fusion. : Presented at the International conference on nuclear data for science and technology, Julich, 13-17 may ; 1991.
ECN-RX--91-050 EN 1991; 0 pag.
Fu, C.Y.; Larson, D.C.; Hetrick, D.M.; Vonach, H.; Kopecky, J.; Iijima, S.; Yamamuro, N.; Maino, G.;
International evaluation cooperation task 1.1: intercomparison of evaluated files for 52Cr, 56Fe, and 58Ni. : Presented at the International ; conference on nuclear data for science and technology, Julich, 13-17 may 1991
ECN-RX--91-061 EN 1991; 0 pag.
Uhl, M.; Gruppelaar, H.; Kamp, H.A.J. van der; Kopecky, J.; Nierop, D.;
The EFF-2 evaluation for the reaction systems n 52Cr, 56Fe, 58Ni and 60Ni. : Presented at the International conference on nuclear data for ; science and technology, Julich, 13-17 may 1991.
ECN-RX--91-046 EN 1991; 0 pag.
Kopecky, J.; Kamp, H.A.J. van der; Gruppelaar, H.; Nierop, D.;
The European activation file EAF-2 with neutron activation and transmutation cross sections.
ECN-C--91-073 EN 1991; 0 pag.
Betak, E.; Cvelbar, F.; Kopecky, J.;
The pre-equilibrium picture of nucleon radiative capture and the neutron-to-gamma competition. : Presented at the International conference on ; nuclear data for science and technology, Julich, 13-17 may 1991.
ECN-RX--91-051 EN 1991; 0 pag.
Uhl, M.; Kopecky, J.;
The sensitivity of statistical model capture calculations to model assumptions. : Presented at the International conference on nuclear data for ; science and technology, Julich, 13-17 may 1991.
ECN-RX--91-054 EN 1991; 0 pag.
Kopecky, J.;
Calculations of capture cross sections and gamma-ray spectra with different strength function models. : Presented at the 7th International ; symposium on capture gamma-ray spectroscopy and related topics, Asilomar, 14-19 October 1990.
ECN-RX--90-080 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Kopecky, J.; Uhl, M.;
Present status of gamma-ray strength functions and their impact on statistical model calculations. : Report presented at the IAEA Specialists' ; meeting on the measurement, calculation and evaluation of photon production cross-sections, february 5-7, 1990, smolenice, czechoslowakia.
ECN-RX--90-024 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Gruppelaar, H.; Kopecky, J.;
Status report EFF and EAF projects. : Contribution to the IAEA consultants' meeting on the fusion evaluated nuclear data library, Vienna, 25-28 ; June 1990.
ECN-RX--90-050 EN 1990; 0 pag.