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Publications from author Peppink, G. 
Dijkstra, J.W.; Raju, G.; Peppink, G.; Jansen, D.;
Techno-economic evaluation of membrane technology for pre-combustion decarbonisation: water-gas shift versus reforming
ECN-M--10-101 EN februari 2011; 8 pag.
Dijkstra, J.W.; Peppink, G.; Tjeerdsma, A.M.; Reijers, H.T.J.;
Modeling tools for the design of pre-combustion decarbonisation reactors and zero emission power plants
ECN-E--09-027 EN maart 2009; 34 pag.
Peppink, G.;
Meer doen met kennis
ECN-B--99-023 NL november 1999; 4 pag.