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Publications from author Grasso, F. 
Grasso, F.;
free form design for rotor blades
ECN-M--14-011 EN juli 2014; 11 pag.
Grasso, F.;
more than control… more than wind turbine
ECN-L--14-031 EN juni 2014; 25 pag.
Presented at: Wind Power Monthly conference, "Wind farm monitoring and control" , , .
Grasso, F.;
Modeling and effects of base drag on thick airfoils design
ECN-M--14-023 EN mei 2014; 9 pag.
Grasso, F.; Sartori, L.; Bottasso, C.; Croce, A.;
free form aerostructural optimization of rotor blades
ECN-M--14-014 EN maart 2014; 1 pag.
Grasso, F.;
ECN airfoils for large offshore wind turbines: Design and wind tunnel testing
ECN-M--14-003 EN maart 2014; 9 pag.
Grasso, F.; Sartori, L.; Bottasso, C.; Croce, A.;
Integration of airfoil design during the design of new blades
ECN-M--13-020 EN september 2013; 10 pag.
Grasso, F.;
Development of Thick Airfoils for Wind Turbines
ECN-W--13-022 EN juni 2013; 9 pag.
Published in: Journal of Aircraft (AIAA), 2013, Ed.vol. 50, no. 3, p.975-981.
Grasso, F.;
Hybrid Optimization for Wind Turbine Thick Airfoils
ECN-M--12-022 EN juni 2012; 13 pag.
Grasso, F.;
Design and Optimization of Tidal Turbine Airfoil
ECN-W--12-008 EN maart 2012; 9 pag.
Published in: Journal of Aircraft (AIAA), 2012, Ed.49, p.636-643.
Boorsma, K.; Grasso, F.; Holierhoek, J.G.;
Enhanced approach for simulation of rotor aerodynamic loads
ECN-M--12-003 EN februari 2012; 17 pag.
Grasso, F.;
Development of thick airfoils for wind turbines
ECN-M--12-001 EN januari 2012; 12 pag.
Grasso, F.;
Usage of Hybrid Optimization Scheme for Wind Turbine Airfoils Design
ECN-M--11-087 EN oktober 2011; 10 pag.
Grasso, F.;
Design and Optimization of Tidal Turbine Airfoil
ECN-M--11-067 NL juli 2011; 16 pag.
Bizzarrini, N.; Grasso, F.; Coiro, D.P.;
Numerical Optimization of High Efficiency, Low Noise Airfoils
ECN-M--11-068 EN juli 2011; 16 pag.
Grasso, F.;
Near Wake Simulation of Mexico Rotor in Axial and Yawed Flow Conditions with Lifting Line Free Wake Code
ECN-M--11-063 EN juni 2011; 8 pag.
Grasso, F.;
AWSM - Ground and wind shear effects in aerodynamic analysis
ECN-E--10-016 EN maart 2011; 13 pag.
Bizzarrini, N.; Grasso, F.; Coiro, D.P.;
Genetic Algorithms in Wind Turbine Airfoil Design
ECN-M--11-035 EN maart 2011; 13 pag.
Maggio, T.; Grasso, F.;
Numerical Investigation on Performance of Innovative Wind Turbine Blades for Loads Reduction
ECN-M--11-036 EN maart 2011; 8 pag.
Grasso, F.;
BEM Modeling of Inflow with Shear in Comparison with Advanced Model Results
ECN-W--11-015 EN maart 2011; 20 pag.
Published in: Wind Energy (John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.), 2011, Ed.Vol. 15, issue 1, p.63-81.
Grasso, F.;
Usage of Numerical Optimization in Wind Turbine Airfoil Design
ECN-W--11-005 EN februari 2011; 10 pag.
Published in: Journal of Aircraft (AIAA), 2011, Ed.Vol. 48, No. 1, p.248-255.
Grasso, F.; Garrel, A. van; Schepers, J.G.;
Development and Validation of Generalized Lifting Line Based Code for Wind Turbine Aerodynamics
ECN-M--11-004 EN januari 2011; 19 pag.
Grasso, F.;
Usage of Numerical Optimization in Wind Turbine Airfoil Design
ECN-M--10-048 EN juli 2010; 19 pag.
Presented at: 28th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference, Chicago, USA, 28 juni 2010-1 juli 2010.