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ECN publication
Technology assessment HTR: deelstudie 2: inpasbaarheid Hoge TemperatuurReactor in industriële processen
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 1996
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-C--96-042 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
89 Download PDF  

The results of a study on the use of a high temperature reactor as a process heat reactor in high temperature (industrial) processes are presented.The study of the different temperature levels of industrial processes showed that using the heat for steam reforming of natural gas for the production of methanol and ammonia and for the use in a naphtha cracker seem to be to most promising options for the HTR. A description is given of each process and the use of the HTR heat is outlined. The consequences for process operation and operating costs using the HTR heat are discussed as well. In the case study of steam reforming energy conservation potentials in the production of methanol and ammonia are described. 20 figs., 11 tabs, 57 refs.

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