ECN publication
TIG rewelding facility in ECN Hot Cell Laboratory: installation, first experiments and optimisations NET deliverable PSM1 GB5 ECN-2 en GB6 ECN-1
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ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-C--98-044 ECN publication
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Austenitic stainless steel AISI316L(N) will be used as the mainconstruction material for ITER, the Next Step Fusion Device. During service, components will have to be replaced and welding will be part of the repair procedures. However, welding of neutron irradiated steel is known to be problematic. This is probably caused by helium, which is formed due to transformation reactions in the steel, which would cause cracking in or near the weld by the formation and growth of helium bubbles, especially when high heat inputs are used. This report describes the Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) welding (also known as Gas Tungsten Arc Welding or GTAW) facility developed for welding experiments on irradiated steels. The installation in a shielded cell in the ECN Hot Cell Laboratory is described, and the results of test welds and optimization of welding parameters on AIS1316L plate material are discussed. The TIG facility is shown to work properly in the Hot Cell environment. Parameters for the welding of AISI316L plates were determined and welds with good metallurgical quality were made. 2 refs.

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