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ECN publication
Experiences with financing social housing refurbishment. WP2 overview report for the InoFin project.
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 4-4-2007
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-E--07-012 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
77 Download PDF  

This report provides a review of experiences with financing social housing refurbishment in Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Latvia, Poland and Slovakia. The report shows large differences in the social housing sector between the three Western European countries and the five new Member States. Apart from differences in energy performance, of major importance is the difference in ownership structure of the social housing stock. Where the three Western European countries still have a large rental sector, the major share of the (social) housing stock in the new Member States has been transferred to private ownership. The review shows that private ownership in buildings with multiple dwellings is a complicating factor in organising housing refurbishments. As financing of social housing refurbishment regards, public grants are limited in their possibility of tackling current refurbishment needs. The possibilities of using financial sources from the commercial sector are increasing however, both in the old and new Member States.

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