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Publications from author Donkelaar, M. ten
Hekkenberg, M.; Schram, J.; Amerighi, O.; Keppo, I.; Papagianni,  S.; Donkelaar, M. ten;
CO2MPARE: CO2 Model for operational Programme Assessment in EU Regions. Final Report
ECN-O--12-038 EN mei 2013; 38 pag.
Lise, W.; Timpe, C.; Jansen, J.C.; Donkelaar, M. ten;
Tracking electricity generation attributes in Europe
ECN-W--07-037 EN november 2007; 10 pag.
Published in: Energy Policy (Elsevier), 2007, Ed.Volume 35, Issue 11, p.5855-5864 .
Donkelaar, M. ten;
Experiences with financing social housing refurbishment. WP2 overview report for the InoFin project.
ECN-E--07-012 EN april 2007; 77 pag.
Oostvoorn, F. van; Donkelaar, M. ten;
SOLID-DER - Reaching large-scale integration of Distributed Energy Resources in the enlarged European electricity market
ECN-O--07-003 EN januari 2007; 1 pag.
Donkelaar, M. ten; Boerakker, Y.H.A.; Jablonska, B.; Tigchelaar, C.;
Financing energy saving measures in the Dutch social housing sector. WP2 report to the InoFin project
ECN-E--06-049 EN januari 2007; 57 pag.
Tipping, P. ; Antonelli, R.; Boonekamp, P.G.M.; Donkelaar, M. ten; Kroon, P.; Longstaff, T.; McLeod, K.; Srinivasan, M.; Tigchelaar, C.;
Final report Impact Assessment on the Future Action Plan for Energy Efficiency
ECN-B--07-010 EN december 2006; 615 pag.
Published in: Atkins, Final report Impact Assessment on the Future Action Plan for Energy Efficiency, 1, 615.
Boonekamp, P.G.M.; Tipping, P. ; Antonelli, R.; Donkelaar, M. ten; Kroon, P.; Longstaff, T.; McLeod, K.; Srinivasan, M.; Tigchelaar, C.;
Impact Assessment on the Future Action Plan for Energy Efficiency - Final Report
ECN-E--06-041 EN juni 2006; 615 pag.
Lise, W.; Boots, M.G.; Joode, J. de; Donkelaar, M. ten; Timpe, C.;
Existing tracking schemes in Europe. E-TRACK WP1 report
ECN-C--05-063 EN maart 2006; 144 pag.
Lise, W.; Joode, J. de; Donkelaar, M. ten; Boots, M.G.; Timpe, C.; Vrolijk, C.;
Framework conditions for tracking electricity in Europe. E-TRACK WP2 report
ECN-C--06-014 EN maart 2006; 37 pag.
Sijm, J.P.M.; Donkelaar, M. ten; Hers, J.S.; Scheepers, M.J.J.; Chen, Y.;
CO2 price dynamics. A follow-up analysis of the implications of EU emissions trading for the price of electricity
ECN-C--06-015 EN maart 2006; 55 pag.
Donkelaar, M. ten; Oostvoorn, F. van;
Policy and network regulation for the integration of distribution generation and renewables for electricity supply
ECN-RX--05-173 EN augustus 2005; 8 pag.
Presented at: 7th IAEE European Energy Conference - European Energy Markets in Transition, Bergen, Norway, 28-30 augustus 2005.
Harmsen, R.; Donkelaar, M. ten;
Advies WKK MEP-vergoeding 2005
ECN-C--04-111 NL 2005; 21 pag.
Donkelaar, M. ten; Oostvoorn, F. van;
Recommendations for institutional policy and network regulatory frameworks towards distributed generation in EU Member States
ECN-C--05-005 EN 2005; 72 pag.
Donkelaar, M. ten; Scheepers, M.J.J.;
DISPOWER. A socio-economic analysis of technical solutions and practices for the integration of distributed generation
ECN-C--04-011 EN juli 2004; 80 pag.
Donkelaar, M. ten;
A survey of solutions and options for the integration of distributed generation into electricity supply systems
ECN-RX--04-078 EN juni 2004; 10 pag.
Published in: Energy & Environment (Multi-Science Publishing co Ltd), 2004, Ed.Vol.15, No.2, p.323-332.
Donkelaar, M. ten; Harmsen, R.; Scheepers, M.J.J.;
Advies WKK MEP-tarief 2004
ECN-C--04-049 NL mei 2004; 37 pag.
Donkelaar, M. ten; Scheepers, M.J.J.;
Rol van vraagsturing bij leveringszekerheid in een geliberaliseerde elektriciteitsmarkt
ECN-C--03-056 NL oktober 2003; 18 pag.
Donkelaar, M. ten; Cizek, R.; Malý, M.; Tomeková, A.; Fucskó, J.; Skoczkowski, T.;
Review of technical options and constraints for integration of distributed generation in electricity networks. Country overviews of the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Poland
ECN-C--03-076 EN augustus 2003; 55 pag.
Donkelaar, M. ten; Heuij, H.J.F.P. van den; Wees, M.T. van; Maly, M.; Jakubes, J.; Henelova, V.; Kottnauer, A.; Rajkiewicz, A.; Bothmer, D.; Schraag, F.;
Regional action plan for promotion of combined heat and power production in the Neisse-Nisa-Nysa Euro-region
ECN-C--02-065 EN december 2002; 66 pag.