Publications from cluster Energy Demand and Consumers
Sijm, J.P.M.;
Demand and supply of flexibility in the power system of The Netherlands, 2015-2050. Summary report of the FLEXNET project
november 2017;
71 pag.
Menkveld, M.; Tigchelaar, C.;
Vooronderzoek indicatief energielabel voor woningeigenaren
september 2015;
55 pag.
Sipma, J.M.;
Prioriteren Wet milieubeheer naar economische sectoren en gebouwtypen
maart 2015;
69 pag.
Koornneef, G.P.; Essen, H. van; Londo, H.M.;
Verzamelde kennisnotities t.b.v. de visie duurzame brandstoffenmix
februari 2015;
184 pag.
Valkering, P.; Laes, E.; Kessels, K.; Uyterlinde, J.C.M.; Straver, K.;
How to engage end-users in smart energy behaviour?
december 2014;
8 pag.
Published in: EPJ Web of Conferences (EPJ), 2014, Ed.79, 04003, p.-.
Straver, K.;
Key factors influencing the adoption of AD: How to engage end users in smart energy solutions
november 2014;
11 pag.
Presented at: Final Workshop: Active Demand- maximizing impact ADVANCED, Rome, Italy, 27 November 2014.
Dowd, A.M.; Itaoka, K.; Ashworth, P.; Saito, A.; Best - Waldhober, M. de;
Investigating the link between knowledge and perception of CO2 and CCS: An international study
oktober 2014;
9 pag.
Published in: International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control (Elsevier), September 2014, Ed.28, p.79-87.
Menkveld, M.;
Correction electricity consumption cooking
september 2014;
5 pag.
Sipma, J.M.;
Energieverbruik in de utiliteitssector - Verbetering van het referentiebeeld
september 2014;
9 pag.
Published in: Real Estate Research Quarterly (VOGON), 2014, Ed.September, p.36-44.
Weeda, M.; Joode, J. de;
Uitdagingen en oplossingen voor waterstof als optie voor lange termijn energieopslag
augustus 2014;
25 pag.
Presented at: KIVI, Solar-PV 2050 Power Lab, Utrecht, Nederland, 24 april 2014.
Zuijlen, C.L. van; Wilde, H.P.J. de;
INITIAL SCAN policy alignment electromobility at the local, national and EU level
augustus 2014;
26 pag.
Mastop, E.A.; Best - Waldhober, M. de; Hendriks, C.; Ramirez-Ramirez, A.;
Informed public opinions on CO2 mitigation options in the Netherlands: deliberating expert information and lay beliefs
juni 2014;
229 pag.
Tigchelaar, C.;
Nulmeting subsidieregeling voor verhuurders
juni 2014;
10 pag.
Uyterlinde, J.C.M.; Laes, E.; Valkering, P.;
S3C Intermediate results
mei 2014;
40 pag.
Presented at: S3C Midterm Conference, Évora, Portugal, 27 May 2014.
Uyterlinde, J.C.M.; Kraan, C.M.; Straver, K.;
Report on case analyses, success factors and best practices. S3C Deliverable 3.4.
mei 2014;
102 pag.
Brunsting, S.; Cuppen, E.; Feenstra, C.F.J.;
Wetenschap als strijdtoneel. Publieke controversen rond wetenschap en beleid
mei 2014;
46 pag.
Published in: Wetenschap als strijdtoneel. Publieke controversen rond wetenschap en beleid, 19, 21, 978-90-77364-55-0, Rathenau Instituut.
Haunstrup Christensen, T.; Gram-Hanssen, K.; Best - Waldhober, M. de; Adjei, A.;
Energy retrofits of Danish homes: is the Energy Performance Certificate useful?
mei 2014;
12 pag.
Published in: Building Research & Information. January, February, 32(1),38-41. (Routledge), April 2014, Ed.42, p.489-500.
Uyterlinde, J.C.M.;
Energieakkoord gebaat bij mensenkennis
maart 2014;
2 pag.
Cuelenaere, R.; Koornneef, G.P.; Smokers, R.; Essen, H. van; Grinsven, A. van; Hoen, M. 't; Londo, H.M.; Zuijlen, C.L. van; Wilde, H.P.J. de; Usmani, O.A.;
Scenarios for energy carriers in the transport sector
februari 2014;
127 pag.
Dril, A.W.N. van; Mastop, E.A.; Brunsting, S.;
Workshop Sociale innovatie ECN Policy Studies 10 oktober 2013
januari 2014;
7 pag.
Sipma, J.M.;
Verbetering referentiebeeld utiliteitssector
januari 2014;
179 pag.
Menkveld, M.; Sipma, J.M.; Cozijnsen, E.; Leidelmeijer, K.;
Reële EPC, Een methode voor de beoordeling van de energieprestatie van nieuwbouwwoningen in de praktijk
december 2013;
42 pag.
Brunsting, S.; Uyterlinde, J.C.M.; Pol, M.; Breukers, S.C.; Mourik, R.; Backhaus, J.; Mathijsen, T.;
Beleid voor gedragsbeïnvloeding: internationale studie
december 2013;
105 pag.
Brunsting, S.; Uyterlinde, J.C.M.; Tigchelaar, C.; Pol, M.; Breukers, S.C.; Mourik, R.; Backhaus, J.; Mathijsen, T.;
Beleid voor gedragsbeïnvloeding: nationale studie
december 2013;
106 pag.
Valkering, P.; Uyterlinde, J.C.M.; Straver, K.; Kraan, C.M.; Mastop, E.A.;
Report on state-of-the-art and theoretical framework for end-user behaviour and market roles. S3C Deliverable 1.1.
november 2013;
97 pag.
Menkveld, M.; Jablonska, B.;
Alternatieve aanpak artikel 5 Energy Efficiency Directive
oktober 2013;
24 pag.
Kroon, P.; Wilde, H.P.J. de; Verbeek, R; Ligterink, N; Meulenbrugge, J; Koornneef, G.P.; Kampman, B.; Croezen, H; Aarnink, S;
Natural gas in transport An assessment of different routes
september 2013;
173 pag.
Jablonska, B.; Oostra, M;
Understanding Local Energy Initiatives. Preconditions for Business Opportunities
september 2013;
16 pag.
Presented at: , , .
Oostra, M; Jablonska, B.;
Understanding Local Energy Initiatives and Preconditions for Business Opportunities
september 2013;
15 pag.
Tigchelaar, C.; Menkveld, M.;
Achtergronddocument bij doorrekening SER Energieakkoord - sector Gebouwde omgeving
september 2013;
34 pag.
Weeda, M.;
Concept EU Richtlijn Uitrol Infrastructuur voor Alternatieve Brandstoffen: Impact Assessment voor NL
augustus 2013;
56 pag.
Brunsting, S.; Best - Waldhober, M. de; Terwel, B.W.;
'I reject your reality and substitute my own!' Why more knowledge about CO2 storage hardly improves public attitudes
augustus 2013;
9 pag.
Published in: Energy Procedia (Elsevier), 2013, Ed.37, p.7419-7427.
Brunsting, S.; Pol, M.; Mastop, E.A.; Kaiser, M.; Zimmer, R; Shackley, S.; Mabon, L.; Howell, R.; Hepplewhite, F.; Loveridge, R.; Mazurowski, M.; Rybicki, C.;
Social Site Characterisation for CO2 storage operations to inform public engagement in Poland and Scotland
augustus 2013;
10 pag.
Published in: Energy Procedia (Elsevier), 2013, Ed.37, p.7327-7336.
Brunsting, S.; Mastop, E.A.; Kaiser, M.; Zimmer, R;
SiteChar D8.5 Characterisation of European CO2 storage. Final summary report on public awareness
augustus 2013;
25 pag.
Brunsting, S.;
Sociale gebiedsverkenning. Anticiperen is beter dan repareren
juli 2013;
2 pag.
Brunsting, S.;
Social Site Characterisation. Prevention is better than cure
juli 2013;
2 pag.
Laes, E.; Uyterlinde, J.C.M.; Maggiore, S.; Cerne, G.;
Final list of research questions and action plan. S3C Deliverable 1.2.
juli 2013;
20 pag.
Pol, M.; Hoen, A.;
Nieuwe elektrische vervoersconcepten in Nederland
juli 2013;
59 pag.
Weeda, M.; Joode, J. de;
The Potential of Power-to-Gas; the new Eureka?
maart 2013;
28 pag.
Presented at: IIR P2G Seminar , Arnhem, Netherlands, March 20, 2013.
Brunsting, S.; Uyterlinde, J.C.M.;
Negeren van bezorgdheid valkuil in (schalie)gasdebat
maart 2013;
1 pag.
Elzenga, H.E.; Tigchelaar, C.; Menkveld, M.; Lensink, S.M.;
Verkenning mogelijke klimaatmaatregelen Lokale Klimaatagenda: CO2-reductie, werkgelegenheid, kosten voor de overheid en woonlasten
maart 2013;
31 pag.
Brunsting, S.; Dijkstra, S.J.G.;
Navigating the minefield of stakeholder participation; Stakeholder involvement strategies for successful project development
maart 2013;
4 pag.
Published in: EDI Quarterly (Energy Delta Institute), March 2013, Ed.Volume 5, No. 1, p.14-17.
Best - Waldhober, M. de; Dowd, A.M.; Rodriguez, M.; Straver, K.; Jeanneret, T.; Mastop, E.A.; Paukovic, M.;
Deliberating emission reduction options
december 2012;
116 pag.
Brunsting, S.; Best - Waldhober, M. de; Terwel, B.W.;
‘I reject your reality and substitute my own!’ Why more knowledge about CO2 storage hardly improves public attitudes
december 2012;
9 pag.
Brunsting, S.; Best - Waldhober, M. de; Brouwer, A.S.; Riesch, H.; Reiner, D.;
Communicating CCS: Effects of text-only and text-and-visual depictions of CO2 storage on risk perceptions and attitudes.
december 2012;
9 pag.
Einsiedel, E.; Ashworth, P.; Howell, R.; Brunsting, S.; Boughen, N.; Boyd, A.; Shackley, S.; Bree, B. van; Jeanneret, T.; Stenner, K.; Medlock, J.; Mabon, L.; Feenstra, C.F.J.; Hekkenberg, M.;
Public preferences to CCS: How does it change across countries?
december 2012;
9 pag.
Brunsting, S.; Pol, M.; Mastop, E.A.; Kaiser, M.; Zimmer, R; Shackley, S.; Mabon, L.; Howell, R.; Hepplewhite, F.; Loveridge, R.; Mazurowski, M.; Rybicki, C.;
Social Site Characterisation for CO2 storage operations to inform public engagement in Poland and Scotland.
december 2012;
10 pag.
Neele, F.P.; Delprat-Jannaud, F.; Vincké, O.; Volpi, V.; Nepveu, M.; Hofstee, C.; Wollenweber, J.; Lothe, A.; Brunsting, S.; Pearce, J.; Battani, A.; Baroni, A.; Garcia, B.;
The SiteChar approach to efficient and focused CO2 storage site characterisation
december 2012;
9 pag.
Uyterlinde, J.C.M.; Straver, K.; Mont, O.; Tigchelaar, C.; Breukers, S.C.;
SPREAD D6 Sustainable Lifestyles Research Agenda - Executive Summary
november 2012;
8 pag.
Brunsting, S.; Mastop, E.A.; Pol, M.; Kaiser, M.; Zimmer, R; Shackley, S.; Mabon, L.; Howell, R.;
SiteChar D8.2. Characterisation of European CO2 storage, trust building and raising public awareness
november 2012;
70 pag.
Best - Waldhober, M. de; Brunsting, S.; Paukovic, M.;
Public concepts of CCS: Understanding of the Dutch general public and its reflection in the media
november 2012;
0 pag.
Published in: International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control (Elsevier), November 2012, Ed.11, p.139-147.
Best - Waldhober, M. de; Daamen, D.D.L.; Ramirez-Ramirez, A.; Faaij, A; Hendriks, C.; Visser, E. de;
Informed public opinion in the Netherlands: Evaluation of CO2 capture and storage technologies in comparison with other CO2 mitigation options
november 2012;
0 pag.
Published in: International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control (Elsevier), September 2012, Ed.10, p.169-180.
Haunstrup Christensen, T.; Gram-Hanssen, K.; Adjei, A.; Best - Waldhober, M. de;
Energy renovation practices in Danish homes: The influence of energy labels on home renovation practices
november 2012;
18 pag.
Presented at: 10th Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA2011), Geneva, Switzerland, 7-10 september 2011.
Itoaka, K.; Saito, A.; Paukovic, M.; Best - Waldhober, M. de; Dowd, A.M.; Jeanneret, T.; Ashworth, P.; James, M.;
Understanding how individuals perceive carbon dioxide
november 2012;
110 pag.
Kroon, P.; Weeda, M.; Appels, D.;
An international perspective on electric transportation. Survey on electric road transport 2012
september 2012;
42 pag.
Brunsting, S.; Pol, M.; Paukovic, M.; Kaiser, M.; Zimmer, R; Shackley, S.; Mabon, L.; Hepplewhite, F.; Loveridge, R.; Mazurowski, M.; Polak-Osiniak, D.; Rybicki, C.;
SiteChar D8.1 Characterisation of European CO2 storage. Qualitative and quantitative social site characterisations
augustus 2012;
155 pag.
Oltra, C.; Upham, P.; Riesch, H.; Brunsting, S.; Boso, A.; Dütschke, E.; Lis, A.;
Public responses to CO2 storage sites: lessons from five European cases
juli 2012;
23 pag.
Published in: Energy & Environment (Multi-Science Publishing co Ltd), 2012, Ed.VOLUME 23 No. 2&3 2012, p.227-248.
Dijkstra, S.J.G.;
The impact of Electric Vehicles on European Energy Networks
juni 2012;
33 pag.
Presented at: Grid Capacity and Stability Conference, London, United Kingdom, 21 June 2012.
Kampman, B.; Berg, J. van den; Otten, G.-J.; Kroon, P.; Grinsven, A. van; Buck, A. de;
Oil reporting for the FQD; An assessment of effort needed
mei 2012;
46 pag.
Brunsting, S.;
Social Site Characterisation of Potential CCS Sites in Poland and the UK
april 2012;
13 pag.
Presented at: IEAGHG 3rd Social Research Network Meeting, Noosa Heads, , Australia, April 12, 2012.
Paukovic, M.; Brunsting, S.; Straver, K.; Mastop, E.A.; Best - Waldhober, M. de;
The Dutch general public's opinion on CCS and energy transition in 2011: Development in awareness, knowledge, beliefs and opinions related to information and media coverage
april 2012;
122 pag.
Brunsting, S.; Best - Waldhober, M. de;
Social Site Characterisation: Anticiperen is beter dan repareren
maart 2012;
8 pag.
Weeda, M.;
Hydrogen: missing link for a sustainable energy system
maart 2012;
22 pag.
Presented at: Energy Storage 2012 , Luxembourg, Luxembourg, 29 February - 1 March 2012.
Pol, M.;
Percepties en attitudes van autobezitters ten aanzien van innovatieve auto’s
februari 2012;
23 pag.
Presented at: Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu, Den Haag, Nederland, 31 januari 2012.
Weeda, M.;
Latest Hydrogen Achievements and Trends in the Netherlands
februari 2012;
30 pag.
Presented at: International Hydrogen Energy Development Forum 2012 , Fukuoka, Japan, 1 February 2012.
Pol, M.; Brunsting, S.;
Car owners' perceptions and attitudes on innovative vehicles
januari 2012;
48 pag.
Brunsting, S.; Best - Waldhober, M. de; Riesch, H.; Reiner, D.;
Effects of text and visual depictions of CO2 storage on information processing, risk perceptions, and attitudes
oktober 2011;
1 pag.
Feenstra, C.F.J.;
Public engagement and CCS - Why, how, when and with whom?
maart 2011;
11 pag.
Presented at: IEA CCS Regulatory Network meeting, Paris, France, 1 March 2011.