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Publications from cluster Syngas and SNG
Daza Montano, C.M.; Pels, J.R.; Fryda, L.E.; Zwart, R.W.R.;
Evaluation of torrefied bamboo for sustainable bioenergy production
ECN-L--12-011 EN april 2012; 41 pag.
Presented at: 9th World Bamboo Congress (WBC), Antwerp / Merksplas, Belgium, 10-15 April 2012.
Rabou, L.P.L.M.; Balegedde Ramachandran, R.P.; Hoeben, W.F.L.M.; Jong, W. de; Kersten, S.R.A.; Leijenhorst, E.J.; Kumar, K.; Mourao Vilela, C.F.; Nanou, P.; Oijen, J.A. van; Pemen, A.J.M.; Rindt, C.C.M.; Rossum, G. van; Verhoeven, L.M.;
EOS-LT Consortium Biomass Gasification and Gas Cleaning Final Report 2007-2011
ECN-E--12-010 EN april 2012; 105 pag.
Meijden, C.M. van der; Drift, A. van der; Vreugdenhil, B.J.;
Benefits of Allothermal Biomass Gasification for Co-Firing
ECN-M--12-008 EN april 2012; 14 pag.
Vreugdenhil, B.J.;
Verkenning covergassing digestaat en gras
ECN-E--11-072 NL januari 2012; 19 pag.
Meijden, C.M. van der;
ECN-M--11-098 EN november 2011; 17 pag.
Vreugdenhil, B.J.;
ECN-L--11-092 EN augustus 2011; 15 pag.
Presented at: IEA Bioenergy/Task 33, Christchurch, New Zealand, 12-14 April 2011.
Meijden, C.M. van der; Sierhuis, W.; Drift, A. van der; Vreugdenhil, B.J.;
Waste wood gasification in an allothermal gasifier
ECN-M--11-078 EN juli 2011; 6 pag.
Meijden, C.M. van der; Sierhuis, W.; Drift, A. van der;
Waste wood fueled gasification demonstration project
ECN-M--11-066 EN juli 2011; 10 pag.
Martelli, E.; Kreutz, T.; Carbo, M.C.; Consonni, S.; Jansen, D.;
Shell coal IGCCS with carbon capture: Conventional gas quench vs. innovative configurations
ECN-W--11-025 EN juli 2011; 13 pag.
Published in: Applied Energy (Elsevier), 2011, Ed.88, p.3978-3989.
Grootjes, A.J.;
Tar measurement by the Solid Phase Adsorption (SPA) method
ECN-L--11-064 EN juli 2011; 12 pag.
Presented at: 19th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition (EU BC&E), Berlin, Germany, Conference 6-10 June 2011 - Exhibition 6-9 June 2011.
Drift, A. van der;
ECN-L--11-062 EN juni 2011; 18 pag.
Presented at: 19th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition (EU BC&E), Berlin, Germany, Conference 6-10 June 2011 - Exhibition 6-9 June 2011.
Drift, A. van der; Meijden, C.M. van der;
Waste wood gasification in an allothermal gasifier
ECN-L--11-061 EN juni 2011; 22 pag.
Presented at: 19th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition (EU BC&E), Berlin, Germany , Conference 6-10 June 2011 - Exhibition 6-9 June 2011.
Carbo, M.C.;
Global Technology Roadmap for CCS in Industry
ECN-E--11-012 EN februari 2011; 34 pag.
Vreugdenhil, B.J.;
Alkali distribution for low temperature gasification
ECN-E--10-103 EN januari 2011; 12 pag.
Carbo, M.C.; Smit, R.; Drift, A. van der; Jansen, D.;
Opportunities for BioSNG production with CCS
ECN-M--10-099 EN december 2010; 7 pag.
Carbo, M.C.; Smit, R.; Drift, A. van der; Jansen, D.;
Bio Energy with CCS (BECCS): Large potential for BioSNG at low CO2 avoidance cost
ECN-M--10-098 EN december 2010; 13 pag.
Zwart, R.W.R.;
Development status as well as remaining RD&D needs for the production of SNG via biomass gasification
ECN-M--10-097 EN december 2010; 0 pag.
Presented at: 1st Chilean international seminar on biogenic gases as fuels for the future, Concepcion, Chili, 1-2 juni 2010.
Meijden, C.M. van der;
Development of the MILENA gasification technology for the production of Bio-SNG
ECN-B--10-016 EN december 2010; 206 pag.
Drift, A. van der;
ECN-L--10-080 EN september 2010; 17 pag.
Presented at: IEA/Bioenergy Task 33 (Biomass Gasification), Breda, The Netherlands, 2-4 November 2009.
Drift, A. van der;
ECN-L--10-079 EN september 2010; 8 pag.
Presented at: IEA/Bioenergy Task 33 (Biomass Gasification), Karlsruhe, Germany, 13-15 May 2009.
Drift, A. van der;
ECN-L--10-078 EN september 2010; 8 pag.
Presented at: IEA/Bioenergy Task 33 (Biomass Gasification), Helsinki, Finland, 1-3 June 2010.
Drift, A. van der;
ECN-L--10-077 EN augustus 2010; 29 pag.
Presented at: IEA/Bioenergy Task 33 (Biomass Gasification), Helsinki, Finland, 1-3 June 2010.
Drift, A. van der;
Biomass gasification for second generation biofuels
ECN-L--10-076 EN augustus 2010; 15 pag.
Presented at: Gasification, The development of gasification as a key technology contributor to, London, UK, 19-20 April 2010.
Rabou, L.P.L.M.;
High efficiency SNG production from biomass
ECN-L--10-069 EN juli 2010; 16 pag.
Presented at: Novel Gas Conversion Symposium (NGCS 9), Lyon, Frankrijk, 30 mei-3 juni 2010.
Rabou, L.P.L.M.; Zwart, R.W.R.; Vreugdenhil, B.J.; Bos, A.;
Tar in Biomass Producer Gas
ECN-W--10-024 EN juli 2010; 10 pag.
Published in: Energy & Fuels (American Chemical Society), 2009, Ed.23, 6189–6198, p.6189-6198.
Zwart, R.W.R.; Heijden, Simon van der; Emmen, R.; Dall Bentzen, Jens; Ahrenfeldt, Jesper; Stoholm, Peder; Krogh, Jorn;
Tar removal from low-temperature gasifiers
ECN-E--10-008 EN mei 2010; 73 pag.
Meijden, C.M. van der; Veringa, H.J.; Rabou, L.P.L.M.;
The production of synthetic natural gas (SNG): A comparisonof three wood gasification systems for energy balance and overall efficiency
ECN-W--09-042 EN december 2009; 12 pag.
Published in: Biomass & Bioenergy (Elsevier), 2009, Ed.XXX, p.1-10.
Meijden, C.M. van der; Veringa, H.J.; Vreugdenhil, B.J.; Drift, A. van der;
Bioenergy II: Scale-Up of the Milena Biomass Gasification Process
ECN-W--09-035 EN november 2009; 0 pag.
Published in: International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering (The Berkeley Electronic Press), , Ed., p.-.
Smit, R.;
Syngas from Biomass
ECN-M--09-144 EN november 2009; 0 pag.
Presented at: 3rd International Freiberg Conference on IGCC & Xtl Technologies, Dresden, Germany, 18-21 mei 2009.
Zwart, R.W.R.;
JER 2.2 - Prospects for production and use of substitute natural gas (SNG) from biomass
ECN-M--09-142 EN november 2009; 0 pag.
Presented at: Bioenergy Network of Excellence (NoE) Final Seminar, Brussels, Belgium, 2-3 november 2009.
Zwart, R.W.R.;
RD&D needs and recommendations for the production of high-efficient bioSNG
ECN-M--09-136 EN oktober 2009; 29 pag.
Presented at: Gasification 2009 - gas Clean-up and Gas Treatment, Stockholm, Sweden, 22-23 oktober 2009.
Vreugdenhil, B.J.; Drift, A. van der; Meijden, C.M. van der;
Co Gasification of biomass and lignite in the indirect gasifier Milena
ECN-M--09-132 EN oktober 2009; 0 pag.
Presented at: Pittsburgh Coal Conference, Pittsburgh, USA, 20-23 september 2009.
Drift, A. van der;
MILENA gasifier for large-scale SNG production
ECN-L--09-125 EN oktober 2009; 0 pag.
Presented at: Bio-SNG 09 Synthetic Natural Gas from Biomass, Zurich, Switzerland, 26-27 May 2009.
Vreugdenhil, B.J.;
Co gasification of biomass and lignite
ECN-L--09-124 EN september 2009; 0 pag.
Presented at: 2009 International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, Pittsburgh, USA, 20-23 September 2009.
Zwart, R.W.R.; Drift, A. van der; Bos, A.; Visser, H.J.M.; Cieplik, M.K.; Könemann, J.W.;
Oil-based gas washing - flexible tar removal for high-efficient production of clean heat and power as well as sustainable fuels and chemicals
ECN-V--09-025 EN september 2009; 0 pag.
Published in: Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy (Wiley InterScience (, 2009, Ed.28, p.324-335.
Meijden, C.M. van der;
The Milena gasification process for the production of BIO-CNG
ECN-L--09-121 EN september 2009; 0 pag.
Presented at: World Bioenergy, Clean Vehicles and Fuels Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, 17-18 September 2009.
Zwart, R.W.R.;
OLGA: Flexible tar removal for high efficient production of clean heat & power as well as sustainable fuels & chemicals
ECN-M--09-120 EN september 2009; 24 pag.
Presented at: The international conference on thermochemical conversion sience , Chicago, USA, 16 september 2009.
Zwart, R.W.R.;
Allothermal gasification of biomass into chemicals and secondary energy carriers
ECN-M--09-117 EN september 2009; 27 pag.
Presented at: ICPS09, Vienna, Austria, 1-4 september 2009.
Vreugdenhil, B.J.; Zwart, R.W.R.;
Tar formation in pyrolysis and gasification
ECN-E--08-087 EN juni 2009; 37 pag.
Drift, A. van der;
Status of biomass gasification
ECN-L--09-012 EN januari 2009; 26 pag.
Presented at: ERA-NET Bioenergy joint call gasification Conference on interim results, Amsterdam, , 27th October 2008.
Drift, A. van der;
A case for biomass gasification in NL?
ECN-L--08-084 EN januari 2009; 20 pag.
Presented at: workshop “A case for thermal gasification of biomass”, Montreal, Canada, 17 okober 2008.
Drift, A. van der;
Development of substitute natural gas from biomass in the Netherlands
ECN-M--08-064 EN september 2008; 21 pag.
Presented at: Natural Gas Substitution from Biomass - a review of the situation, Güstrow, Germany, 26-27 augustus 2008.