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Publications of unit Policy Studies in 1995.
Kaan, H.F.; Römer, J.C.;
Sectorstudie groothandel [NDS 95-007]
ECN---95-007 NL december 1995; 33 pag.
Struker, A.; Blok, K.;
Sectorstudie organische chemie [NDS 95-001]
ECN---95-001 NL december 1995; 99 pag.
Wijst, D. van der; Fris, P.;
Sectorstudie detailhandel [NDS 95-006]
ECN---95-006 NL oktober 1995; 55 pag.
Beumer, M.I.L.; Over, J.A.; Vrenken, P.G.M.J.;
Sectorstudie transport-, opslag- en communicatiebedrijven [NDS 95-004]
ECN---95-012 NL oktober 1995; 57 pag.
Boot, H.;
Sectorstudie landbouw en visserij [NDS 95-005]
ECN---95-013 NL oktober 1995; 65 pag.
Dechesne, H.J.;
Sectorstudie onderwijs [NDS 95-008]
ECN---95-008 NL september 1995; 51 pag.
Römer, J.C.;
Sectorstudie bejaardenoorden [NDS 95-009]
ECN---95-009 NL september 1995; 36 pag.
Paauw, K.F.B. de; Bais, J.M.;
Sectorstudie huishoudens en woningen [NDS 95-010]
ECN---95-010 NL augustus 1995; 31 pag.
Harmsen, R.;
Sectorstudie grafische bedrijven [NDS 95-003]
ECN---95-011 NL augustus 1995; 75 pag.
Bruggink, J.J.C.;
Energy demand, life style changes and technology development
ECN-RX--95-042 EN augustus 1995; 89 pag.
Presented at: The World Energy Council 16th congress 'Energy for our common world', Tokyo, Japan, 8-13 oktober 1995.
Kram, T.;
International energy technology portfolio assessment: ETSAP's contributions
ECN-RX--95-072 EN 1995; 19 pag.
Presented at: IEA/OECD/ETSAP seminar on the role of energy thechnologies toward sustainable development, Kansai Science City, Japan, 16-17 oktober 1995.
Vleuten, F.P. van der;
Strategies and instruments to promote energy efficiency indeveloping countries: project working paper 4: energy andenvironment in the global cement industry
ECN-C--94-035 EN 1995; 146 pag.
Buskens, V.W.; Diepstraten, F.M.J.A.;
Strategies and instruments to promote energy efficiency indeveloping countries: project working paper 3: energy efficiencyin selected industries of the manufacturing sector
ECN-C--94-040 EN 1995; 75 pag.
Diepstraten, F.M.J.A.;
Strategies and instruments to promote energy efficiency indeveloping countries: project working paper 2: sector studies:iron and steel, aluminium, pulp and paper
ECN-C--94-042 EN 1995; 50 pag.
Harmelen, T. van; Kruijk, H. de; Stoffer, A.; Maly, M.;
Strategies for reducing emissions and depositions in Central andEastern European countries: the case of the Czech Republic [ECN-C--94-101]
ECN-C--94-101 EN 1995; 59 pag.
Harmelen, T. van; Stoffer, A.; Kruijk, H. de; Salamonova, A.;
Strategies for reducing emissions and depositions in Central andEastern European countries: the case of Slovakia
ECN-C--94-102 EN 1995; 59 pag.
Gielen, D.J.; Doorn, J. van;
Biomassa voor de Nederlandse energiehuishouding: beoordeling vanconversieroutes met MARKAL
ECN-C--94-111 NL 1995; 81 pag.
Buskens, V.W.; Jansen, J.C.;
Strategies and instruments to promote energy efficiency indeveloping countries: project working paper 1: industrial energydemand and CO2 emissions in developing countries in globalperspective
ECN-C--94-112 EN 1995; 51 pag.
Kant, A.D.;
Strategies and instruments to promote energy efficiency indeveloping countries: project working paper 5: effectiveness ofindustrial energy conservation programmes in IEA countries [ECN-C--94-113]
ECN-C--94-113 EN 1995; 69 pag.
Ybema, J.R.; Lako, P.; Gielen, D.J.; Oosterheert, R.J.; Kram, T.;
Prospects for energy technology in the Netherlands: vol. 1:evaluation of the cost-effectiveness of energy technologies undera range of long term future conditions
ECN-C--95-002 EN 1995; 112 pag.
Kaan, H.F.; Linden, N.H. van der; Maly, M.;
Energy conservation stimulation programme for the Czech Republic :phase 2: energy conservation in buildings
ECN-C--95-016 EN 1995; 65 pag.
Kaan, H.F.; Svobodova, M.; Linden, N.H. van der; Kosdy, M.;
Energy conservation stimulation programme for the Slovak Republic: phase 2: energy conservation in buildings
ECN-C--95-022 EN 1995; 65 pag.
Paauw, K.F.B. de;
Energieaspecten van vrije-tijdsbesteding, verzorging,communicatie en roken: een mogelijke energiereductie bijhuishoudens
ECN-C--95-026 NL 1995; 127 pag.
Ybema, J.R.; Lako, P.; Gielen, D.J.; Oosterheert, R.J.; Kram, T.;
Prospects for energy technology in the Netherlands: vol. 2: technology characterizations and technology results [ECN-C--95-039]
ECN-C--95-039 EN 1995; 308 pag.
Kant, A.D.; Midden, C.J.H.;
Energy and the public: phase 2: public communication in energyissues: psychological evaluation models
ECN-C--95-069 EN 1995; 45 pag.
Ybema, J.R.; Boonekamp, P.G.M.; Smit, J.T.J.;
Including climate change in energy investment decisions
ECN-C--95-073 EN 1995; 87 pag.
Oostvoorn, F. van; Pellekaan, W.O.; Aaserud, M.; Brubakk, L.; Harmelen, T. van; Stoffer, A.;
Energy scenarios for a changing Europe: integration versus fragmentation
ECN-C--95-075 EN 1995; 79 pag.
Andriesse, C.D.;
Prospects of photochemical conversion
ECN-C--95-090 EN 1995; 23 pag.
Schol, E.;
Differentiated sales and vehicle taxes: an assessment of instruments for the internalisation of external costs oftransport
ECN-C--95-091 EN 1995; 44 pag.
Kaan, H.F.;
Regional energy study Zahorie, Slovakia: building energy audits :pt. 1: Atrium Hotel, Malacky
ECN-C--95-100 EN 1995; 21 pag.
Kaan, H.F.;
Regional energy study Zahorie, Slovakia: building energy audits :pt. 2: hospital, Malacky
ECN-C--95-101 EN 1995; 24 pag.
Kaan, H.F.;
Regional energy study Zahorie, Slovakia: building energy audits :pt. 3: complex of panel houses and heat exchange station, Malacky
ECN-C--95-102 EN 1995; 19 pag.
Kaan, H.F.;
Regional energy study Zahorie, Slovakia: building energy audits :pt. 4: Nafta Gbely office building, Malacky
ECN-C--95-103 EN 1995; 19 pag.
Kaan, H.F.;
Regional energy study Zahorie, Slovakia: building energy audits :pt. 5: hospital, Skalica
ECN-C--95-104 EN 1995; 21 pag.
Kaan, H.F.;
Regional energy study Zahorie, Slovakia: building energy audits :pt. 6: old peoples home, Stupava
ECN-C--95-105 EN 1995; 19 pag.
Jansen, J.C.; De Araujo, L.; Barathan, S.; Diallo, S.; Diepstraten, F.M.J.A.; Kant, A.D.;
Strategies and instruments to promote energy efficiency indeveloping countries: synthesis report
ECN-C--95-106 EN 1995; 116 pag.
Dril, A.W.N. van; Diepstraten, F.M.J.A.; Beeldman, M.;
SAVE-module produktiebedrijven: de modellering van energieverbruiksontwikkelingen
ECN-I--94-043 NL 1995; 90 pag.
Beeldman, M.; Kaan, H.F.; Römer, J.C.; Boonekamp, P.G.M.;
SAVE-module utiliteitsbouw: de modellering van energieverbruiksontwikkelingen
ECN-I--94-044 NL 1995; 86 pag.
Boonekamp, P.G.M.;
SAVE-module huishoudens: de modellering van energieverbruiksontwikkelingen
ECN-I--94-045 NL 1995; 65 pag.
Musters, A.P.A.;
The energy-economy-environment interaction and the rebound-effect
ECN-I--94-053 EN 1995; 116 pag.
Gielen, D.J.;
Correction of national CO2 emissions for oil derived chemicals
ECN-I--94-062 EN 1995; 14 pag.
Schepers, E.;
Een vergelijking tussen MARKAL-MACRO en MARKAL
ECN-I--94-064 NL 1995; 50 pag.
Schol, E.; Kroon, P.; Smokers, R.T.M.;
Save-module transport: de modellering van energieverbruiksontwikkelingen
ECN-I--95-003 NL 1995; 104 pag.
Uitdenbogerd, D.E.;
Energiebeslag van de huishoudelijke voedselverzorging: een empirische analyse van activiteiten en voedselpatronen
ECN-I--95-010 NL 1995; 78 pag.
Beeldman, M.; Bais, J.M.;
Marktsimulatiemodel voor energiebesparing bij huishoudens
ECN-I--95-026 NL 1995; 33 pag.
Pellekaan, W.O.; Brubakk, L.; Stoffer, A.;
Sectoral European energy model SEEM: a model description
ECN-I--95-033 EN 1995; 74 pag.
Wees, F.G.H. van; Römer, J.C.;
Brandstofverbruikende installaties bij de industrie: basisjaar 1990
ECN-I--95-052 NL 1995; 21 pag.
Lako, P.; Stoffer, A.; Beeldman, M.;
Economics and market potential of the modular high temperaturereactor in the Netherlands
ECN-R--95-012 EN 1995; 57 pag.
Oostvoorn, F. van; Diepstraten, F.M.J.A.; Nieuwenhout, F.D.J.; Maly, M.;
Deregulation in Eastern Europe and the scope for energyconservation in industry: expectations versus realities
ECN-RX--94-124 EN 1995; 19 pag.
Presented at: 17th IAEE International Energy Conference 'Energy markets in transition', Stavanger, Norway, 25-27 mei 1994.
Oostvoorn, F. van; Pellekaan, W.O.;
Energy scenarios for a changing Europe: integration versusfragmentation
ECN-RX--95-031 EN 1995; 25 pag.
Presented at: ETSAP Seminar Application of E3-models, Göteborg, Sweden, 8-9 mei 1993.