Save-module transport: de modellering van energieverbruiksontwikkelingen
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The acronym SAVE stands for Simulation and Analyses of Virtual energy usein Energy scenarios. The goal of the SAVE-model is the analysis of future
energy saving possibilities for end users in conjunction with volume growth
and structural changes in the socio-economic system. SAVE-Transport is one of
the four modules of the model, other modules are Production, Buildings and
Households. SAVE is a technical-economic bottom-up model to describe and
analyze energy demand per sector for the period 1990-2015. Volume growth is
for SAVE-Transport defined as the growth in the number of passenger
kilometers or ton kilometers. Structural effects are caused by structural
changes in socio-economic or physical variables. Saving effects are caused by
the introduction of energy saving techniques as well as social or
organisational saving options. The introduction of energy saving techniques
can be autonomous or directed by policy measures. SAVE-Transport consists of
two parts: passenger transport and freight transport. Each part can be
divided in: road, water, rail and air transport. These transport modes are
subdivided by means of conveyance. Data of future demand for transportation
are an input in this model and will be supplied by other institutes.
SAVE-Transport concentrates on the description of the vehicles used, the
energy consumption per means of conveyance on a micro level and the effects
of policy measures. The modelling of the supply of transport services differ
per means of conveyance, because of a difference in importance for energy use
(passenger car versus moped) and an other explanatory variable for energy use
(vehicle kilometer for passenger cars and seat kilometres capacity for
trains). For the passenger car stock the vintage approach is used to describe
the time dependent restrictions for penetration of saving measures. The
composition of the passenger car stock in time T depends on the composition
of the passenger car stock in time T and changes in the relative total costs
of the cars from different car classes. 12 figs., 21 tabs., 59 refs., 6
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