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Publications of unit Wind Energy in 2013.
Obdam, T.S.; Rademakers, L.W.M.M.; Savenije, L.B.;
The optimal access system for future far-offshore wind farms
ECN-M--13-051 EN december 2013; 10 pag.
Schepers, J.G.;
Aerodynamic and acoustic international cooperation projects: How they (should) come together
ECN-M--13-052 EN december 2013; 30 pag.
Schepers, J.G.;
EERA-DTOC:Design tools for off-shore wind farm clusters, Oral presentation at EWEA 2013, Vienna Austria, February 6th, 2013
ECN-M--13-053 EN december 2013; 21 pag.
Presented at: EWEA 2013, Vienna, Austria, 4-7 februari 2013.
Savenije, F.J.; Peeringa, J.M.; Huijs, F.; Ridder, E.J. de;
Control development for floating wind
ECN-M--13-045 EN november 2013; 1 pag.
Wiggelinkhuizen, E.J.;
Synergy of "internconnection" and offshore wind farms
ECN-M--13-046 EN november 2013; 1 pag.
Bulder, B.H.;
Optimal Wind Farm Power and Wind Turbine Selection on the Basis of Wind Turbine Characteristics
ECN-M--13-047 EN november 2013; 1 pag.
Pieterman, R.P. van de; Rademakers, L.W.M.M.; Asgarpour, M.; Braam, H.;
A structured approach for data collection and analysis
ECN-M--13-048 EN november 2013; 1 pag.
Brand, A.J.; Bot, E.T.G.; Ozdemir, H.;
Accurate Wind Farm Development and Operation Advanced Wake Modelling
ECN-M--13-049 EN november 2013; 11 pag.
Wagenaar, J.W.; Boorsma, K.; Eecen, P.J.;
Enhancing LiDAR application for boosting Wind Farm Efficiency
ECN-M--13-050 EN november 2013; 1 pag.
Holierhoek, J.G.;
An Overview of possible Aeroelastic Instabilities for Wind Turbine Blades
ECN-W--13-056 EN november 2013; 21 pag.
Donnelly, G.T.;
Brochure on the way to perfect Operating and Maintenance
ECN-F--13-041 EN november 2013; 2 pag.
Heijden, H.L.M. van der;
Brochure world class test facilities
ECN-F--13-042 EN november 2013; 2 pag.
Heijden, H.L.M. van der;
Brochure advanced wind farm development solutions
ECN-F--13-043 EN november 2013; 2 pag.
Grasso, F.; Sartori, L.; Bottasso, C.; Croce, A.;
Integration of airfoil design during the design of new blades
ECN-M--13-020 EN september 2013; 10 pag.
Donnelly, G.T.;
Brochure ECN Wind Turbine Test Site Wieringermeer
ECN-F--13-037 EN september 2013; 8 pag.
Donnelly, G.T.;
Brochure Wind Energy
ECN-F--13-028 EN augustus 2013; 2 pag.
Versteeg, M.C.; Ozdemir, H.; Brand, A.J.;
Improvements in ECN Wake Model
ECN-M--13-018 EN augustus 2013; 15 pag.
Grasso, F.;
Development of Thick Airfoils for Wind Turbines
ECN-W--13-022 EN juni 2013; 9 pag.
Published in: Journal of Aircraft (AIAA), 2013, Ed.vol. 50, no. 3, p.975-981.
Wagenaar, J.W.; Schepers, J.G.;
Wake Measurements in ECN’s Scaled Wind Farm
ECN-M--13-004 EN februari 2013; 15 pag.
Beurskens, H.J.M.; Brand, A.J.;
Wind Energy
ECN-B--13-001 EN februari 2013; 38 pag.
Published in: The World Scientific Handbook of Energy, 307, 341, 9789814343510, Gerard M. Crawley.
Schepers, J.G.; Schreck, S.;
The importance of aerodynamics and the role of aerodynamic measurements
ECN-M--13-002 EN februari 2013; 38 pag.
Schepers, J.G.; Boorsma, K.; Munduate, X;
Final Results form Mexnext-I: Analysis of detailed aerodynamic measurements on a 4.5 m diameter rotor placed in the large German Dutch Wind Tunnel DNW
ECN-M--13-003 EN februari 2013; 13 pag.
Boorsma, K.;
Power and loads for yawed flow conditions
ECN-E--12-047 EN januari 2013; 65 pag.
Boorsma, K.;
Heat and Flux
ECN-E--12-048 EN januari 2013; 51 pag.
Pieterman, R.P. van de;
Data collection & analysis as input for O&M cost modelling
ECN-M--12-076 EN januari 2013; 30 pag.