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Publications of type Book in 2008.
Elzenga, H.; Dril, A.W.N. van;
Tussenstand van een aantal onderdelen uit het werkprogramma Schoon en Zuinig
ECN-B--08-018 NL december 2008; 26 pag.
Published in: Tussenstand van een aantal onderdelen uit het werkprogramma Schoon en Zuinig, Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving PBL.
Coninck, H.C. de; Haites, Eric; Higham, A.;
Identifying, analysing and assessing existing and potential new financing resources and relevant vehicles to support the development, deployment, diffusion and transfer of environmentally sound technologies. Interim report by the Chair of the Expert Group on Technology Transfer.
ECN-B--08-017 EN november 2008; 50 pag.
Published in: Identifying, analysing and assessing existing and potential new financing resour, UNFCCC.
Opstelten, I.J.; Zee, E. van;
Deltaneth; Roadmap to Europe - Speerpunt energiegebruik in de Gebouwde Omgeving
ECN-B--08-013 EN november 2008; 12 pag.
Published in: DeltaNeth Roadmap to Europe, 24, 30.
Jansen, J.C.; Beurskens, L.W.M.;
Portfolio analysis of the future Dutch generating mix
ECN-B--08-014 EN november 2008; 23 pag.
Published in: Analytical Methods for Energy Diversity and Security, 117, 139, 978-0-08-056887-4, Elsevier.
Jansen, J.C.; Awerbuch, S.; Beurskens, L.W.M.;
The role of wind generation in enhancing Scotland's energy diversity and security
ECN-B--08-015 EN november 2008; 12 pag.
Published in: Analytical Methods for Energy Diversity and Security, 141, 152, 978-0-08-056887-4, Elsevier.
Zwart, R.W.R.; Ree, R. van;
Bio-based Fischer-Tropsch Diesel Production Technologies
ECN-B--08-012 EN augustus 2008; 11 pag.
Published in: Biofuels, 95, 116, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Blair, T.; Beinhocker , Eric ; Howard , Steve ; Kenber , Mark ; Morgan, Jennifer; Oppenheim, Jeremy; Bakker, S.J.A.; Barker, Terry; Colombier, Michel; Dutcher, Daniel; Gledhill, Richard; Grant, Jonathan; Guerin, Emmanuel; Haites, Eric; Hare, Bill; Harvey , Ian; Irons, Ben; Khosla, Vinod; Klein, Richard J.T.; Lahti, Makreeta; Milford, Lewis; Mottershead, Chris; Pirard, Romain; Ward, Murray; Wemaere, Matthieu; Whately, Helen;
Breaking the climate deadlock. A Global Deal for Our Low-Carbon Future
ECN-B--08-011 EN juni 2008; 66 pag.
Published in: The Climate Group.
Londo, H.M.; et. al., ;
Eyes on the track, Mind on the horizon. From inconvenient rapeseed to clean wood: A European road map for biofuels
ECN-B--08-005 EN maart 2008; 52 pag.
Published in: Eyes on the track, Mind on the horizon. From inconvenient rapeseed to clean wood, ECN.
Mourik, R.;
Zwartepieten met zieke koeien
ECN-B--08-004 NL maart 2008; 2 pag.
Published in: Zwartepieten met zieke koeien, 12, 13, 978-90-73196-45-2, Stichting Bio-wetenchappen en Maatschappij (BMW).
Hyways Partnership, ;
HyWays Action Plan: Policy Measures for the Introduction of Hydrogen Energy in Europe
ECN-B--08-008 EN februari 2008; 31 pag.
Published in: HyWays Action Plan: Policy Measures for the Introduction of Hydrogen Energy in E, editor: H. Jeeninga, ECN.
Hyways Partnership, ;
Roadmap and Action Plan. Executive Summary of the European Hydrogen Energy Roadmap and Action Plan
ECN-B--08-009 EN februari 2008; 13 pag.
Published in: Roadmap and Action Plan. Executive Summary of the European Hydrogen Energy Roadm, editor: H. Jeeninga, ECN.
Hyways Partnership, ;
HyWays: The European Hydrogen Roadmap
ECN-B--08-006 EN februari 2008; 56 pag.
Published in: HyWays: The European Hydrogen Roadmap, editor: H. Jeeninga, ECN.
Dorland, R. van; Drunen, M. van; Eickhout, Bas ; Jansen, Bert ; Kingma, I.; Meijer, Nicoline ; Prop, R.; Schoenmaeckers, B.; Seebregts, A.J.; Veraart, Jeroen;
De Staat van het Klimaat 2007 - Actueel onderzoek en beleid nader verklaard
ECN-B--08-003 NL februari 2008; 42 pag.
Published in: De Staat van het Klimaat 2007, PCCC, De Bilt/Wageningen.
Scheepers, M.J.J.; Seebregts, A.J.; Lako, P.; Blom, F.J.; Gemert, F. van;
Summary of the ECN’s report Fact Finding Nuclear Energy
ECN-B--08-001 EN februari 2008; 16 pag.
Kessels, J.R.; Bakker, S.J.A.; Wetzelaer, B.J.H.W.;
Energy security and the role of coal
ECN-B--08-010 EN februari 2008; 38 pag.
Published in: Energy security and the role of coal, 978-92-9029-450-4, IEA Clean Coal Centre.
Londo, H.M.; Lensink, S.M.; Deurwaarder, E.P.; Wakker, A.; Wit, M de; Junginger, M.; Könighofer, K; Jungmeier, G.;
Biofuels cost developments in the EU27+ until 2030. Full-chain cost assessment and implications of policy options
ECN-B--08-007 EN februari 2008; 48 pag.
Published in: Biofuels cost developments in the EU27+ until 2030. Full-chain cost assessment a, ECN.