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Publications of type Other in 2013.
Lensink, S.M.;
Een langetermijnperspectief voor groen gas
ECN-O--13-039 NL december 2013; 17 pag.
Uslu, A.; Karakosta, C; Dalla Longa, F.; Veum, K.C.; Straver, K.;
EU RES cooperation initiatives with third Countries - North Africa, West Balkans and Turkey
ECN-O--13-059 EN december 2013; 39 pag.
Boonekamp, P.G.M.; Faberi, S.;
Interaction between policy measures – Analysis tool in the MURE database
ECN-O--13-056 EN december 2013; 34 pag.
Boonekamp, P.G.M.; Gerdes, J.;
Uncertainty in Odyssee indicators and energy savings – Development of a methodology and first results
ECN-O--13-045 EN december 2013; 29 pag.
Boonekamp, P.G.M.;
Short-term indicators – Intensities as a proxy for savings
ECN-O--13-046 EN december 2013; 29 pag.
Haensel, G.; Roeser, F.; Hoehne, N.; Tilburg, X. van; Cameron, L.R.;
Annual Status Report on Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs)
ECN-O--13-054 EN november 2013; 56 pag.
Zomeren, A. van; Dijkstra, J.J.; Mesman, M.; Spijker, J.; Eikelboom, R.;
Use of test results from the percolation leaching test (TS3) in the framework of the Construction Products Directive
ECN-O--13-050 EN november 2013; 9 pag.
Valkering, P.; Uyterlinde, J.C.M.; Straver, K.; Kraan, C.M.; Mastop, E.A.;
Report on state-of-the-art and theoretical framework for end-user behaviour and market roles. S3C Deliverable 1.1.
ECN-O--14-060 EN november 2013; 97 pag.
Staelens, J.; Frijns, E.; Berghmans, P.; Kos, G.P.A.; Matheeussen, C.; Panteliadis, P.; Bergmans, B.; Weijers, E.P.; Wyche, K.; Roekens, E.;
Ultrafine particles at eight urban sites in Antwerp: instrument comparison and spatiotemporal variation in particle number concentration and size distribution
ECN-O--13-012 EN september 2013; 1 pag.
Jablonska, B.; Roossien, B; Ruijg, G.J.; Visser, H; Willems, E.; Bakker, E.J.;
Energy Neutral Districts in 2050 – the Dutch Approach
ECN-O--12-047 EN september 2013; 5 pag.
Kroon, P.; Wilde, H.P.J. de; Verbeek, R; Ligterink, N; Meulenbrugge, J; Koornneef, G.P.; Kampman, B.; Croezen, H; Aarnink, S;
Natural gas in transport An assessment of different routes
ECN-O--13-038 EN september 2013; 173 pag.
Oostra, M; Jablonska, B.;
Understanding Local Energy Initiatives and Preconditions for Business Opportunities
ECN-O--13-037 EN september 2013; 15 pag.
Jablonska, B.; Roossien, B; Ruijg, G.J.; Visser, H; Willems, E.; Bakker, E.J.;
Energy Neutral Districts in 2050 - the Dutch Approach
ECN-O--12-046 EN september 2013; 1 pag.
Brunsting, S.; Mastop, E.A.; Kaiser, M.; Zimmer, R; Shackley, S.; Mabon, L.; Howell, R.;
SiteChar. Characterisation of European CO2 storage. Deliverable D.8.3 Public Outreach Activities
ECN-O--13-009 EN september 2013; 37 pag.
Brunsting, S.; Mastop, E.A.; Kaiser, M.; Zimmer, R;
SiteChar D8.5 Characterisation of European CO2 storage. Final summary report on public awareness
ECN-O--13-028 EN augustus 2013; 25 pag.
Sinke, W.C.;
Interview " Het kan nog hotter"
ECN-O--13-035 NL juli 2013; 3 pag.
Sinke, W.C.;
NRG Magazine - Rational Middle: Are increased taxes on imports of Chines solar panels beneficial for the European solar market?
ECN-O--13-036 EN juli 2013; 2 pag.
Laes, E.; Uyterlinde, J.C.M.; Maggiore, S.; Cerne, G.;
Final list of research questions and action plan. S3C Deliverable 1.2.
ECN-O--14-061 EN juli 2013; 20 pag.
Brunsting, S.; Mastop, E.A.; Kaiser, M.; Zimmer, R;
SiteChar D8.4 Characterisation of European CO2 storage. Quantitative social site characterisations
ECN-O--13-029 EN juli 2013; 57 pag.
Lensink, S.M.;
Geothermie in de SDE+, bijdrage aan rondetafelgesprek
ECN-O--13-027 NL juni 2013; 3 pag.
Winkel, T.; Visser, E. de; Lensink, S.M.;
Invulling van 16% hernieuwbare energie in 2020
ECN-O--13-026 NL juni 2013; 32 pag.
Cameron, L.R.;
Policy Brief: An overview of current NAMA guidance
ECN-O--13-024 EN juni 2013; 4 pag.
Staelens, J.; Frijns, E.; Berghmans, P.; Matheeussen, C.; Panteliadis, P.; Kos, G.P.A.; Weijers, E.P.; Wyche, K.; Bergmans, B.; Roekens, E.;
Comparison of UFP concentration and size distribution instruments at an urban site
ECN-O--13-011 EN mei 2013; 1 pag.
Berghmans, P.; Frijns, E.; Staelens, J.; Matheeussen, C.; Roekens, E.; Panteliadis, P.; Kos, G.P.A.; Weijers, E.P.; Monks, P.; Wyche, K.; Bergmans, B.;
Short-term urban and residential monitoring of UFP concentration and size distribution
ECN-O--13-013 EN mei 2013; 1 pag.
Hekkenberg, M.; Vincent-Genod, C.; Regina, P.; Keppo, I.; Papagianni,  S.; Harnych, J.;
CO2MPARE: CO2 Model for operational Programme Assessment in EU Regions. User Tutorial
ECN-O--12-031 EN mei 2013; 84 pag.
Hekkenberg, M.; Le Pierres, S.; Del Ciello, R.; Keppo, I.; Harnych, J.; Papagianni,  S.;
CO2MPARE: Co2 Model for operational Programme Assessment in EU Regions. Technical background and guidance for deployment in EU regions
ECN-O--12-032 EN mei 2013; 40 pag.
Hekkenberg, M.; Schram, J.; Amerighi, O.; Keppo, I.; Papagianni,  S.; Donkelaar, M. ten;
CO2MPARE: CO2 Model for operational Programme Assessment in EU Regions. Final Report
ECN-O--12-038 EN mei 2013; 38 pag.
Joode, J. de; Koutstaal, P.R.; Ozdemir, O.;
Financing investment in new electricity generation capacity in Northwest Europe
ECN-O--13-022 EN mei 2013; 15 pag.
Veum, K.C.; Uslu, A.; Coninck, H.C. de;
Renewable energy: from marginal to mainstream
ECN-O--13-017 EN april 2013; 10 pag.
Jansen, J.C.;
Resource Efficiency: What does it mean and why is it relevant?
ECN-O--13-004 EN april 2013; 8 pag.
More, E.; Londo, H.M.; Phaal, R.; Wurtenberger, L.; Cameron, L.R.;
Background paper on Technology Roadmaps (TRMs)
ECN-O--13-019 EN april 2013; 85 pag.
Sinke, W.C.;
NRG Magazine - Rational Middle: is it smart to stop nuclear power generation?
ECN-O--13-021 EN april 2013; 5 pag.
Dalla Longa, F.;
RES4LESS D2.6: Cost-Efficient and Sustainable Deployment of Renewable Energy Sources towards the 20% Target by 2020, and beyond. Synthesis Report on Possible Valleys of Opportunity for Cooperation Mechanisms in Europe, Based on Wind, Biomass and Solar Energy Technologies
ECN-O--13-014 EN maart 2013; 27 pag.
Dalla Longa, F.; Klinge Jacobsen, H.; Pade Hnasen, L.; Tantareanu, C.; Caldes-Gomez, N.; Santamaria-Belda,  M.;
RES4LESS - Cost-Efficient and Sustainable Deployment of Renewable Energy Sources towards the 20% Target by 2020, and beyond. Summary of case studies for cooperation mechanisms
ECN-O--13-015 EN maart 2013; 34 pag.
Sutton, M.A.; Bleeker, A.; Howard, C.M.; Bekunda, M.; Grizzetti, B.; Vries, W. de; Grinsven, H.J.M. van; Abrol, Y.P.; Adhya, T.K.; Billen, G.; Davidson, E.A.; Datta, A.; Diaz, R.; Erisman, J.W.; Liu, X.J.; Oenema, O.; Palm, C.; Raghuram, N.; Reis, S.; Scholz, R.W.; Sims, T.; Westhoek, H.; Zhang, F.S.;
Our Nutrient World - The challenge to produce more food and energy with less pollution
ECN-O--13-010 EN maart 2013; 116 pag.
Elzenga, H.E.; Tigchelaar, C.; Menkveld, M.; Lensink, S.M.;
Verkenning mogelijke klimaatmaatregelen Lokale Klimaatagenda: CO2-reductie, werkgelegenheid, kosten voor de overheid en woonlasten
ECN-O--13-007 NL maart 2013; 31 pag.
Weterings, R.; Harmelen, T. van; Gjaltema, J.; Jongeneel, S.; Manshanden, W.; Poliakov, E.; Faaij, A; Broek, M.A. van den ; Dengerink, J.; Londo, H.M.; Schoots, K.;
Naar een toekomstbestendig energiesysteem voor Nederland
ECN-O--13-018 NL maart 2013; 99 pag.
Dalla Longa, F.; Raimundo, C.;
Cost-Efficient and Sustainable Deployment of Renewable Energy Sources towards the 20% Target by 2020, and beyond. Key recommendations from the RES4LESS roadmap
ECN-O--13-005 EN februari 2013; 22 pag.
Bolscher, H.; Laan, J. van der; Sijm, J.P.M.; Bakker, S.J.A.; Mikunda, T.; Wehnert, T.; Sterk, W.; Hoogzaad, J.; Wemaere, Matthieu; Conway, T.J.;
Design Options for Sectoral Carbon Market Mechanisms and their Implications for the EU ETS – Final Report
ECN-O--13-030 EN 2013; 118 pag.
Rademaekers, K.; Harmsen, R.; Boeve, S.; Sijm, J.P.M.; Boonekamp, P.G.M.;
The Energy Efficiency Investment Potential for the Building Environment
ECN-O--13-031 EN 2013; 22 pag.
Rademaekers, K.; Veen, R. van der; Boeve, S.; Sijm, J.P.M.; Boonekamp, P.G.M.;
Local investments options in Energy Efficiency in the built environment - Identifying best practices in the EU
ECN-O--13-032 EN 2013; 56 pag.