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ECN publication
Eyes on the track, Mind on the horizon. From inconvenient rapeseed to clean wood: A European road map for biofuels
Londo, H.M.; et. al., 
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 31-3-2008
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-B--08-005 Book
Number of pages: Full text:
52 Download PDF  

Published in: Eyes on the track, Mind on the horizon. From inconvenient rapeseed to clean wood, ECN.

Biofuels production and consumption are growing rapidly at the moment. With this tempestuous short-term development comes the need for an integrated long-term vision for biofuels. REFUEL contributes to this vision formation. In this project, funded by the Intelligent Energy Europe programme, seven EU institutes of different backgrounds have analysed the prospects for biofuels in terms of resource potential, costs and impacts of different biofuels, effects of different policy strategies, and broader system impacts of biofuels. For this road map document, we applied our key tools and findings to the policy challenges of today.

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