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ECN publication
SAVE-module huishoudens: de modellering van energieverbruiksontwikkelingen
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 1995
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-I--94-045 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
65 Download PDF  

SAVE stands for Simulation and Analyses of Virtual use in Energyscenarios and will be used for the analysis of future energy savings possibilities for end users, in conjunction with volume growth and structural changes in the socio-economic system. The model contains different sectoral modules. Within the module one can discern the hierarchical levels sector, segment and function. In SAVE-Households there are seven functions: space heating, hot water, washing/drying, cooking, cooling, lighting and other appliances. 14 types of dwellings, 26 heating systems and 10 types of households are distinguished. With regard to energy a distinction is made between electricity, natural gas, hot water and sometimes oil products. In the evaluation these are translated to primary energy use taking into account the losses in the supply system. A vintage approach is used to describe the time dependent restrictions for penetration of saving measures. For all energy using 'systems' (houses, boilers and appliances) the composition of capacity in different years has been modelled. Nearly all energy saving measures are attached to decisions on new installations in the model. The model uses a base year (1990) and a number of case years (1995, 2000, 2005, 2010 and 2015). Saving measures are split up with regard to investment needs and time frame, technical or habitual character and the impact of energy policy. Decisions on the penetration of saving measures will in principle be based on cost/benefit ratios. In the analysis account is taken of subsidies, the form of tariff structures and taxes and other non-economic factors. A distinction is made between state of the art, new-but-proven and advanced options. The results of the model calculations comprise the future use of different energy carriers and the change over time of primary energy use split up in a volume-, structure- and saving effect. For each saving measure the penetration level and costs are available. Furthermore, the separate effect on total energy use of 35 structural changes and 30 saving measures are presented.

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