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ECN publication
Deregulation in Eastern Europe and the scope for energyconservation in industry: expectations versus realities
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 1995
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-RX--94-124 Conference Paper
Number of pages: Full text:
19 Download PDF  

Presented at: 17th IAEE International Energy Conference 'Energy markets in transition', Stavanger, Norway, 25-27 mei 1994.

The transition of the East European economies towards more market basedeconomies rose high expectations with respect to improving the efficiency of energy conversation and use and reducing pollution. Particularly the so-called shock therapy promised an almost direct success from establishing a free market. However, the realities are different so far. Some countries such as the Czech Republic and Hungary are already confronted with 2 to 3% rise in energy intensities and the implementation of energy conservation measures is very slow. The last three years several energy conservation studies were conducted by ECN. Particularly interesting were the results of two recently finished energy conservation studies for Hungary, the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic. The study for Hungary concerns an analysis and evaluation of the scope for energy use savings in the food processing industry, including selected energy audits. For the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic we conducted an energy conservation programme study for the energy intensive industry, consisting of the following tasks: identification of most relevant conservation options per industry branch or division, assessment of the cost-effectiveness of these options, survey of barriers and incentives for implementation, and formulation of a concrete conservation action programme. Based on the study, conducted for the Czech Ministries of Industry and Trade in cooperation with local counterparts, and experiences gained in Dutch studies we formulated recommendations for energy conservation programmes. In section 2, a brief description of the study for Czech Republic is given. Section 3 provides specific conclusions and recommendations from this study. Finally, in section 4, we give a more general view on the restructuring process in Eastern Europe. 1 tab., 11 refs.

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