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Publications from author Oostvoorn, F. van
Welle, A.J. van der; Joode, J. de; Oostvoorn, F. van;
Regulatory road maps for the optimal integration of intermittent RES-E/DG in electricity systems. Final Report of the RESPOND Project
ECN-O--10-026 EN augustus 2010; 166 pag.
Welle, A.J. van der; Joode, J. de; Oostvoorn, F. van;
Regulatory road maps for large-scale integration of electricity from intermittent resources in five national electricity systems
ECN-M--09-137 EN september 2009; 21 pag.
Presented at: 10th IAEE European conference, Vienna, Austria, 8-10 september 2009.
Oostvoorn, F. van;
Progress, barriers, solutions and recommendations for more DER integration in the European electricity supply. Summary of findings from the 6th FP EU project SOLID-DER
ECN-E--08-093 EN augustus 2009; 56 pag.
Oostvoorn, F. van;
Overview of progress, barriers and solutions for more DER integration into electricity supply system - Deliverable 1.3 part C
ECN-O--09-008 EN april 2009; 42 pag.
Joode, J. de; Oostvoorn, F. van;
European energy market liberalisation and integration: an assesment of the new EU energy package
ECN-M--08-045 EN juni 2008; 19 pag.
Presented at: 31st IAEE Annual International Conference, Istanbul , Turkey, 18-20 juni 2008.
Joode, J. de; Oostvoorn, F. van;
Investing in gas and electricity corridors in Europe
ECN-E--07-064 EN september 2007; 82 pag.
Oostvoorn, F. van; Lise, W.;
Analysis and assessment of the optimal gas corridors and infrastructure to secure supply. A model based analysis.
ECN-E--07-024 EN september 2007; 50 pag.
Oostvoorn, F. van; Hafner, Manfred; Vailati, Ricardo; Wietschel, Martin;
Energy corridors European Union and Neighbouring countries
ECN-B--07-016 EN augustus 2007; 50 pag.
Published in: Energy Corridors European Union and Neighbouring countries, 92-79-03729-3, Publicatiebureau van de Europese Commissie.
Oostvoorn, F. van; Lise, W.; Joode, J. de;
Optimal gas corridors and infrastructure between EU and its neighbouring countries to secure supply in Europe: Analysis of needs and implementation
ECN-M--07-101 EN juni 2007; 14 pag.
Presented at: 9th IAEE European Energy Conference, Florence, Italy, 10-13 juni 2007.
Oostvoorn, F. van; Donkelaar, M. ten;
SOLID-DER - Reaching large-scale integration of Distributed Energy Resources in the enlarged European electricity market
ECN-O--07-003 EN januari 2007; 1 pag.
Lise, W.; Hobbs, B.F.; Oostvoorn, F. van;
Natural gas corridors among the EU and its main suppliers: Simulation results with the dynamic GASTALE model
ECN-M--06-083 EN juni 2006; 19 pag.
Presented at: 29th IAEE International Energy Conference, Potsdam, Germany, 7-10 juni 2006.
Werven, M.J.N. van; Oostvoorn, F. van;
Barriers and drivers of new interconnections between EU and non-EU electricity systems: economic and regulatory aspects
ECN-C--06-006 EN mei 2006; 33 pag.
Donkelaar, M. ten; Oostvoorn, F. van;
Policy and network regulation for the integration of distribution generation and renewables for electricity supply
ECN-RX--05-173 EN augustus 2005; 8 pag.
Presented at: 7th IAEE European Energy Conference - European Energy Markets in Transition, Bergen, Norway, 28-30 augustus 2005.
Bakker, S.J.A.; Coninck, H.C. de; Egging, R.; Jansen, J.C.; Oostvoorn, F. van; Kok, M.T.J.; Aerts, J.C.J.H.; Asselt, H. van; Bayangos, V.; Beers, C. van; Berk, M.M.; Biermann, F.; Bouwer, L.M.; Bree, L. van; Dorland, K.; Elzen, M.G.J. den; Gupta, J.; Heemst, J. van; Veraart, J.; Verhagen, A.;
Beyond Climate. Options for broadening climate policy
ECN-RX--05-208 EN 2005; 256 pag.
Published in: RIVM, report 500019001/2004. (), , Ed., p.-.
Donkelaar, M. ten; Oostvoorn, F. van;
Recommendations for institutional policy and network regulatory frameworks towards distributed generation in EU Member States
ECN-C--05-005 EN 2005; 72 pag.
Oostvoorn, F. van; Boots, M.G.; Cross, E.; Egging, R.; Wals, A.F.;
Long-term gas supply security in an enlarged Europe. Final report ENGAGED project
ECN-C--03-122 EN december 2003; 138 pag.
Oostvoorn, F. van; Rijkers, F.A.M.;
CHP statistics and impacts of the gas directive on the future development of CHP in Europe. Publishable summary report
ECN-C--03-123 EN december 2003; 47 pag.
Oostvoorn, F. van; Voogt, M.H.; Uyterlinde, M.A.; Wees, M.T. van;
Approximation of the energy acquis communautaire: review of energy markets and policies of seven accession countries
ECN-C--99-103 EN december 1999; 61 pag.
Oostvoorn, F. van; Boots, M.G.;
Impacts of market liberalisation on the EU gas industry
ECN-RX--99-032 EN oktober 1999; 17 pag.
Published in: Paper for the 1st Austrian-Czech-German Conference on Energy Market Liberalisation in Central and Eastern Europe (), , Ed., p.-.
Oostvoorn, F. van; Boots, M.G.;
Impacts of market liberalisation on the EU gas industry: the Shared Analysis project Energy Policy in Europe and Prospects to 2020 Volume No. 9
ECN-C--99-083 EN oktober 1999; 55 pag.
Wees, M.T. van; Uyterlinde, M.A.; Martens, J.W.; Oostvoorn, F. van; ... [et al.], ;
National energy efficiency study: the Czech Republic
ECN-C--99-063 EN augustus 1999; 302 pag.
Wees, M.T. van; Uyterlinde, M.A.; Martens, J.W.; Oostvoorn, F. van;
Renewable energy action plan: policy action plan for promotion of renewable energy in the Czech Republic to 2010
ECN-C--99-064 EN augustus 1999; 32 pag.
Oostvoorn, F. van; Askounis, D.; Aslanian, G.; Makarov, A.; Velthuijsen, J.W.; Universiteit van Amsterdam. Stichting vo, ;
Russian energy markets: current situation and opportunities for co-operation
ECN-C--99-027 EN februari 1999; 66 pag.
Oostvoorn, F. van;
European gas market developments: opportunities and threats
ECN-RX--99-008 EN september 1998; 28 pag.
Published in: Presented at the IAEE/GEE conference 'Energy Markets - What's New?', Berlin, 9-10 September 1998 (), , Ed., p.-.
Oosterheert, R.J.; Harmelen, A.K. van; Oostvoorn, F. van;
Convergence of energy policies: external dimension of Trans European networks
ECN-RX--98-008 EN april 1998; 43 pag.
Published in: Discussion paper Preparatory Seminar for the energy dialogue between EU and associated CEEC, Brussels, Belgium, April 8, 1997 (), , Ed., p.-.
Harmelen, A.K. van; Oostvoorn, F. van; Oosterheert, R.J.;
Convergence of energy policies: energy conservation
ECN-RX--98-009 EN 1998; 48 pag.
Published in: Paper presented at the Seminar on the energy dialogue between EU and the associated countries in central and eastern Europe, Bru (), , Ed., p.-.
Oostvoorn, F. van; Pellekaan, W.O.; Aaserud, M.; Brubakk, L.; Harmelen, T. van; Stoffer, A.;
Energy scenarios for a changing Europe: integration versus fragmentation
ECN-C--95-075 EN 1995; 79 pag.
Oostvoorn, F. van; Diepstraten, F.M.J.A.; Nieuwenhout, F.D.J.; Maly, M.;
Deregulation in Eastern Europe and the scope for energyconservation in industry: expectations versus realities
ECN-RX--94-124 EN 1995; 19 pag.
Presented at: 17th IAEE International Energy Conference 'Energy markets in transition', Stavanger, Norway, 25-27 mei 1994.
Oostvoorn, F. van; Pellekaan, W.O.;
Energy scenarios for a changing Europe: integration versusfragmentation
ECN-RX--95-031 EN 1995; 25 pag.
Presented at: ETSAP Seminar Application of E3-models, Göteborg, Sweden, 8-9 mei 1993.
Oostvoorn, F. van; Broek, M. van den; Harmelen, T. van; Linden, N. van der; Pellekaan, W.O.;
Experiences with the application of different energy models in East European countries
ECN-RX--93-071 EN juli 1993; 25 pag.
Presented at: International Workship on Environmental Management, Geneva, Switzerland, 6-9 januari 1993.
Broek, M. van den; Oostvoorn, F. van; Harmelen, T. van; Arkel, W.G. van;
The EC energy and environment model EFOM-ENV specified in GAMS : The case of the Netherlands.
ECN-C--92-003 EN 1992; 79 pag.
Harmelen, T. van; Linden, N. van der; Oostvoorn, F. van;
Evaluatie DG XVII en DG XII CO2-scenario's per land.
ECN-C--92-009 NL 1992; 90 pag.
Harmelen, T. van; Linden, N. van der; Oostvoorn, F. van;
Evaluation of EC scenarios for CO2 emission reduction.
ECN-C--92-070 EN 1992; 98 pag.
Oostvoorn, F. van;
Acid rain pollution control policies in the European Community. A brief assessment.
ECN-RX--91-055 EN 1991; 0 pag.
Presented at: Conference Energy trends - Integrated ; Europe, Decentralized USSR, Tallinn, Estonia, 21-24 oktober 1991.
Oostvoorn, F. van; Harmelen, T. van. Directorate-General for Science, Researc;
Cost-effectiveness analysis of CO2-reduction options: The case of the Netherlands.
ECN-C--91-024 EN 1991; 33 pag.
Oostvoorn, F. van; Harmelen, T. van;
Mitigation strategies for CO2. : An EC perspective
ECN-RX--91-076 EN 1991; 0 pag.
Oostvoorn, F. van; Harmelen, T. van; Wees, F.G.H. van; Heel, T. van; Lontay, Z.;
Selecting profitable locations for cogeneration in Hungary. : Presented at VDI-tagung, 28-29 november 1991, Dresden
ECN-RX--91-115 EN 1991; 0 pag.
Oostvoorn, F. van; Linden, N.H. van der;
European economic integration and the prospects for natural gas. : Paper presented at the EAEE conference 'Energy trends, integrated Europe, ; decentralized USSR', Tallinn, 21-24 October 1990.
ECN-R--90-009 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Gusbin, D.; Oostvoorn, F. van;
Strategies for acid pollutant reduction in the EC. Methodology for assessment.
ECN-RX--90-084 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Presented at: Conference Environmental cooperation and policy in the single European market, Venice, Italy, 17-20 april 1990.
Oostvoorn, F. van; Kroon, P.; Lange, A.V.M. de;
SERUM: Een model van de Nederlandse raffinage-industrie.
ESC-49 NL 1989; 156 pag.
Bakema, G.F.; Bruggink, J.J.C.; Boonekamp, P.G.M.; Verhagen, L.; Kroon, P.; Oostvoorn, F. van;
Nationale Energie Verkenningen 1987.
ESC-42 NL 1987; 240 pag.
Oostvoorn, F. van; Arkel, W.G. van; Lange, A.V.M. de;
De modellering in GAMS van het model SELPE.
ESC-39 NL 1986; 110 pag.
Oostvoorn, F. van; Arkel, W.G. van;
Optimale strategieen voor de bestrijding van zure regen veroorzakende SO2- en NOx-emissies gebaseerd op berekeningen met SELPE.
ESC-30 NL 1984; 94 pag.
Boonekamp, P.G.M.; Koenders, N.J.; Oostvoorn, F. van;
De energievoorziening in de vier MDE-scenario's gebaseerd op berekeningen met het energiemodel SELPE.
ESC-23 NL 1983; 174 pag.
Oostvoorn, F. van;
Integrale energiescenario's en modellen voor Nederland.
ESC-22 NL 1982; 162 pag.
Bosma, R.; Oostvoorn, F. van;
Oil substitution in the Netherlands. A case of "negative oil substitution".
ESC-4 EN 1981; 36 pag.