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ECN publication
Impacts of market liberalisation on the EU gas industry
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 1-10-1999
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-RX--99-032 Article (scientific)
Number of pages:

Published in: Paper for the 1st Austrian-Czech-German Conference on Energy Market Liberalisation in Central and Eastern Europe (), , , Vol., p.-.

The paper presents an analysis of tbc effects of tbc European Union (EU)Gas Directive on the EU natural gas industry in the next ten years. First, it briefly reviews the current driving factors for increasing competition in the EU gas markets. Second, the different directions of implementation of EU Gas Directive are discussed. Finally we give an assessment of impacts of the different directions of implementation of the Gas Directive, thereby focusing on structural changes of the gas industry and the scope for reduction of consumer gas prices. Note that our assessment of the impacts is partly based on an analysis of recent trends in the EU gas market and partly on calculations with a recently developed model of the EU gas market on company level. The paper summarises the main observations of a study conducted by the Netherlands Energy Research Foundation (ECN) last year in the framework of a larger scenario study for the European Committee, Directorate-General 17, in the Shared Analysis Project, 'Economic Foundations for Energy Policy in Europe to 2020' managed by FhG-ISI. For the complete results of the ECN study, see report 'Impacts of Market Liberalisation on the EU Gas Industry', September 1999, forthcoming. Note that the analysis is limited to the gas market and does not include other impacts, i.c. on energy conservation, emissions, etc. 21 refs.

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