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ECN publication
Financing energy saving measures in the Dutch social housing sector. WP2 report to the InoFin project
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 15-1-2007
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-E--06-049 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
57 Download PDF  

This report gives an overview of housing refurbishments in the social housing sector in the Netherlands. As the social housing stock in the Netherlands is almost completely owned by social housing associations, most refurbishment projects are carried out by housing associations themselves and are largely influenced by the regulatory and financial framework in which they operate. Housing refurbishments, both of the social housing stock and of owner-occupied dwellings, have also been supported by the government since the late seventies, starting with support for single measures such as wall insulation. During the nineties support was aimed at more integrated approaches leading to an increase of the energy performance of new houses and the already existing building stock. This was stimulated by regulation, setting minimum energy performance standards, as well as by financial support. After 2002 a number of these financial instruments were cut back or completely abolished. This has led to a need to look for alternative financing mechanisms for increasing the energy efficiency, both for private house-owners as well as housing associations.

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