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ECN publication
Lastenverdeling en kosteneffectiviteit van CO2-doelstellingen voor EU-lidstaten: een analyse op basis van scenariostudies
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 1997
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-C--97-033 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
23 Download PDF  

The Member States of the European Union (EU) have agreed upon a commonposition in the international negotiations on the limitation of greenhouse gas emissions. The total commitment of the EU is the result of differentiated emission targets for the individual Member States. In this study the results of 4 recent scenario studies on CO2 emission reduction are used to assess the fairness and the cost-effectiveness of the differentiated targets. Here, fairness is measured by the average cost per capita in a country to reach the emission target. Cost-effectiveness is based on the marginal cost of emission reduction. It is noted that there are limitations in the comparability of the country results. Further, the coverage of the EU Member States is not complete in all 4 studies. Robust conclusions could thus not be drawn for all countries. Nonetheless, there are strong indications that the efforts to achieve the emission reduction targets are not evenly distributed. Based on the results the countries can be divided into four groups with different burdens to achieve reduction of CO2 emissions: a) countries that will probably be faced with above average burdens: Sweden, Italy and the Netherlands; b) countries that will presumably be faced with above average burdens but for which limited information is available: Austria and Denmark; c) countries that will probably be faced with average burdens or for which the relative efforts are indistinct: Germany, Portugal, Belgium, Finland and Luxembourg; and d) countries that will probably be faced with below average burdens: United Kingdom, France, Spain, Ireland and Greece. 1 fig., 12 tabs., 6 refs.

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