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ECN publication
Beoordeling van het effekt van grondreiniging op de uitloogbaarheid van grond
Published by: Publication date:
ECN 1997
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-C--97-055 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
86 Download PDF  

A large study, performed jointly by ECN and IWACO, in which the effect ofsoil remediation on the leachability of contaminants from soils was investigated, is summarized. The study included two specific aims, which are treated in more detail in two separate reports: (1) The development of a fast testing procedure for determining the leachability of pollutants from contaminated and treated soils, which allows for an assessment relative to the regulatory limits stated in the Dutch Building Materials Decree; and (2) To develop a better understanding of the physico-chemical processes underlying the leachability of contaminants, including the development of a model for the leaching of pollutants from contaminated and treated soils and dredged sludge. The development of a fast testing procedure is reported in the Dutch report 'Leaching study of contaminated and remediated soil and dredged sludge and development of a fast testing procedure for determining the leachability of contaminants' (IWACO 1060440). The study of physico-chemical processes is reported in 'Speciation of metals in contaminated and remediated soil and dredged sludge. Leaching processes and controlling factors' (ECN-C--96-084). In this summary report the major results of both studies are described, two alternatives for a fast testing procedure are given as well as first guidelines for an environmental assessment of contaminated and treated soil on the basis of a fast testing procedure for determining contaminant leachability. 13 figs., 2 tabs, 8 refs.

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