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Publications from author Comans, R.N.J. 
Comans, R.N.J.; Groenenberg, B.J.; Dijkstra, J.J.; Bonten, L.T.C.; Vries, W. de;
Evaluation of the performance and limitations of empirical partition-relations and process based multisurface models to predict trace element solubility in soils
ECN-V--12-015 EN juli 2012; 11 pag.
Published in: Environmental Pollution (Elsevier), januari 2012, Ed.volume 166, p.98-107.
Dijkstra, J.J.; Comans, R.N.J.; Sloot, H.A. van der;
Development of a leaching test for metal surfaces
ECN-M--12-032 EN mei 2012; 1 pag.
Dijkstra, J.J.; Comans, R.N.J.; Zomeren, A. van;
Recent developments towards standardisation in geochemical modelling of leaching processes
ECN-M--12-033 EN mei 2012; 7 pag.
Dijkstra, J.J.; Comans, R.N.J.; Sloot, H.A. van der;
Development of leaching tests for (recycled) metal surfaces: theory, test results and practice
ECN-M--12-034 EN mei 2012; 4 pag.
Zomeren, A. van; Toller, S.; Schaik, J.W.J. van; Berggren Kleja, D.; Gustafsson, J.P.; Comans, R.N.J.;
Geochemical modeling of Copper (II) speciation in MSWI bottom ash leachates
ECN-M--12-035 EN mei 2012; 4 pag.
Comans, R.N.J.; Hjelmar, O.; Wahlström, M.; Kalbe, U.; Grathwohl, P.; Mehu, J.; Schiopu, N.; Hyks, J.; Laine-Ylijoki, J.; Zomeren, A. van; Krüger, O.; Schoknecht, U.; Wendel, T.; Abdelghafour, M.; Borho, N.;
Robustness validation of two harmonized European leaching tests for assessment of the leaching of construction products, including waste-based construction materials
ECN-M--12-036 EN mei 2012; 5 pag.
Comans, R.N.J.; Spijker, J.; Groenenberg, B.J.;
Risk assessment of emission from (secondary) construction products and contaminated soil, an example of a general approach applied in the Netherlands
ECN-M--12-037 EN mei 2012; 4 pag.
Comans, R.N.J.; Sloot, H.A. van der; Kosson, D.; Hjelmar, O.; Seignette, P.F.A.B.; Garrabrants, A.C.; Zomeren, A. van;
A reference database in LeachXS™ Lite for release of substances from construction products including alternative materials.
ECN-M--12-038 EN mei 2012; 10 pag.
Rocca, S.; Dijkstra, J.J.; Zomeren, A. van; Comans, R.N.J.; Costa, G.; Lombardi, F.;
Characterisation of major component leaching and buffering capacity of RDF incineration and gasification bottom ash in relation to reuse or disposal scenarios
ECN-W--12-031 EN april 2012; 10 pag.
Published in: Waste Management (Elsevier), 2012, Ed.32, p.759-768.
Zomeren, A. van; Laan, S. van der; Kobesen, H.B.A.; Huijgen, W.J.J.; Comans, R.N.J.;
Changes in mineralogical and leaching properties of converter steel slag resulting from accelerated carbonation at low CO2 pressure
ECN-W--11-067 EN november 2011; 10 pag.
Published in: Waste Management (Elsevier), 2011, Ed.31, p.2236-2244.
Lijzen, J.P.A.; Claessens, J.W.; Comans, R.N.J.; Griffioen, J.; Lange, W.J. de; Spijker, J.; Vink, J.P.M.; Zijp, M.C.;
Beoordelen grootschalige bodemtoepassingen in diepe plassen: Elementen voor generieke en locatiespecifieke beoordeling
ECN-O--11-028 NL april 2011; 4 pag.
Zomeren, A. van; Comans, R.N.J.;
Measurement of humic and fulvic acid concentrations and dissolution properties by a rapid batch procedure
ECN-W--07-053 EN september 2010; 8 pag.
Published in: Environ. Sci. Technol. (), 2007, Ed.41, p.6755-6761.
Groenenberg, J.E.; Koopmans, G.F.; Comans, R.N.J.;
Uncertainty Analysis of the Nonideal Competitive Adsorption-Donnan Model: Effects of Dissolved Organic Matter Variability on Predicted Metal Speciation in Soil Solution
ECN-W--10-037 EN september 2010; 8 pag.
Published in: Environ. Sci. Technol. (), 2010, Ed.44, p.1340-1346.
Groenenberg, J.E.; Romkens, P.F.A.M.; Comans, R.N.J.; Luster, J.; Pampura, T.; Shotbolt, L.; Tipping, E.; Vries, W. de;
Transfer functions for solid-solution partitioning of cadmium, copper, nickel, lead and zinc in soils: derivation of relationships for free metal ion activities and validation with independent data
ECN-W--10-038 EN september 2010; 17 pag.
Published in: European Journal of Soil Science (), 2010, Ed.61, p.58-73.
Dijkstra, J.J.; Meeussen, J.C.L.; Comans, R.N.J.;
Evaluation of a generic multi-surface sorption model for inorganic soil contaminants
ECN-W--09-064 EN september 2010; 7 pag.
Published in: Environ. Sci. Technol. (), 2009, Ed.43, p.6196-6201.
Roskam, G.D.; Comans, R.N.J.;
Availability and leaching of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: Controlling processes and comparison of testing methods
ECN-W--09-066 EN september 2010; 8 pag.
Published in: Waste Management (Elsevier), 2009, Ed.29 , p.136-142.
Zomeren, A. van; Costa, A.; Pinheiro, J.P.; Comans, R.N.J.;
Proton Binding Properties of Humic Substances Originating from Natural and Contaminated Materials
ECN-W--09-067 EN september 2010; 8 pag.
Published in: Environ. Sci. Technol. (), 2009, Ed.43, p.1393-1399.
Zomeren, A. van; Comans, R.N.J.;
Carbon speciation in municipal solid waste incinerator (MSWI) bottom ash in relation to facilitated metal leaching
ECN-W--09-068 EN september 2010; 7 pag.
Published in: Waste Management (Elsevier), 2009, Ed.29, p.2059-2064.
Centioli, D.; Comans, R.N.J.; Gaudino, S.; Galas, C.; Belli, M.;
Leaching tests: useful tools for the risk assessment of contaminated sediments
ECN-W--08-065 EN september 2010; 7 pag.
Published in: Ann Ist Super Sanità (), 2008 , Ed.Vol. 44, No. 3, p.252-257.
Fest, E.P.M.J.; Temminghoff, E.J.M.; Comans, R.N.J.; Riemsdijk, W.H. van;
Partitioning of organic matter and heavy metals in a sandy soil: Effects of extracting solution, solid to liquid ratio and pH
ECN-W--08-066 EN september 2010; 10 pag.
Published in: Geoderma (), 2008, Ed.146, p.66-74.
Koning, A. de; Konoplev, A.V.; Comans, R.N.J.;
Measuring the specific caesium sorption capacity of soils, sediments and clay minerals
ECN-W--07-049 EN september 2010; 12 pag.
Published in: Applied Geochemistry (), 2007, Ed.22, p.219-229.
Schipper, P.N.M.; Comans, R.N.J.; Dijkstra, J.J.; Vergouwen, L.;
Runoff and windblown vehicle spray from road surfaces, risks and measures for soil and water
ECN-W--07-050 EN september 2010; 11 pag.
Published in: Water Science & Technology (), 2007, Ed.Vol 55 No 3, p.87-96.
Astrup, T.; Dijkstra, J.J.; Comans, R.N.J.; Sloot, H.A. van der; Christensen, T.H.;
Geochemical Modeling of Leaching from MSWI Air-Pollution-Control Residues
ECN-W--06-022 EN september 2010; 8 pag.
Published in: Environ. Sci. Technol. (), 2006, Ed.40, p.3551-3557.
Dijkstra, J.J.; Zomeren, A. van; Meeussen, J.C.L.; Comans, R.N.J.;
Effect of Accelerated Aging of MSWI Bottom Ash on the Leaching Mechanisms of Copper and Molybdenum
ECN-W--06-023 EN september 2010; 8 pag.
Published in: Environ. Sci. Technol. (), 2006, Ed.40, p.4481-4487.
Dijkstra, J.J.; Sloot, H.A. van der; Comans, R.N.J.;
The leaching of major and trace elements from MSWI bottom ash as a function of pH and time
ECN-W--06-024 EN september 2010; 18 pag.
Published in: Applied Geochemistry (), 2006, Ed.21, p.335-351.
Comans, R.N.J.; Sloot, H.A. van der; Hoede, D.; Bonouvrie, P.A.;
Milieuchemische effekten bij het gebruik van staalslak in oeverbescherming: laboratoriumvoorspellingen en praktijkwaarnmingen
ECN-CX--95-013 NL februari 2010; 87 pag.
Dijkstra, J.J.; Meeussen, J.C.L.; Sloot, H.A. van der; Comans, R.N.J.;
A consistent geochemical modelling approach for the leaching and reactive transport of major and trace elements in MSWI bottom ash
ECN-W--08-041 EN augustus 2008; 20 pag.
Published in: Applied Geochemistry (Elsevier), , Ed., p.-.
Zomeren, A. van; Weij - Zuiver, E. van der; Comans, R.N.J.;
Development of an automated system for isolation and purification of humic substances
ECN-W--08-042 EN augustus 2008; 7 pag.
Published in: Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (Springer), , Ed., p.-.
Huijgen, W.J.J.; Witkamp, G.J.; Comans, R.N.J.;
Cost evaluation of CO2 sequestration by aqueous mineral carbonation
ECN-W--07-014 EN mei 2007; 13 pag.
Published in: Energy Conversion and Management (Elsevier), 2007, Ed.48, p.1923-1935.
Huijgen, W.J.J.; Ruijg, G.J.; Comans, R.N.J.; Witkamp, G.J.;
Energy consumption and net CO2 sequestration of aqueous mineral carbonation
ECN-W--06-021 EN december 2006; 13 pag.
Published in: Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (American Chemical Society), 2006, Ed.45, p.9184-9194.
Huijgen, W.J.J.; Ruijg, G.J.; Comans, R.N.J.; Witkamp, G.J.;
Aqueous mineral carbonation as a possible CO2 sequestration process: energetic efficiency and costs
ECN-RX--06-069 EN april 2006; 12 pag.
Presented at: 8th International Conference on GreenHouse Gas Control Technologies (GHGT-8), Trondheim, Norway, 19-22 juni 2006.
Huijgen, W.J.J.; Comans, R.N.J.;
Carbonation of steel slag for CO2 sequestration: leaching of products and reaction mechanisms
ECN-RX--06-057 EN maart 2006; 10 pag.
Published in: Environmental Science & Technology, 40, (2006), 2790-2796 (American Chemical Society), , Ed., p.-.
Huijgen, W.J.J.; Comans, R.N.J.; Witkamp, G.J.;
Mechanisms of aqueous wollastonite carbonation as a possible CO2 sequestration process
ECN-RX--06-056 EN februari 2006; 36 pag.
Published in: Chemical Engineering Science, 61 (2006), p. 4242-4251 (Elsevier), , Ed., p.-.
Huijgen, W.J.J.; Comans, R.N.J.;
Mineral CO2 sequestration by carbonation of industrial residues: Literature review and selection of residue
ECN-C--05-074 EN december 2005; 22 pag.
Huijgen, W.J.J.; Comans, R.N.J.; Witkamp, G.J.;
Mineral CO2 sequestration by steel slag carbonation
ECN-RX--05-074 EN december 2005; 8 pag.
Published in: Environmental Science & Technology, 39, (2005), 9676-9682 (American Chemical Society), , Ed., p.-.
Sloot, H.A. van der; Zomeren, A. van; Dijkstra, J.J.; Meeussen, J.C.L.; Comans, R.N.J.; Scharff, H.;
Prediction of the leaching behaviour of waste mixtures by chemical speciation modelling based on a limited set of key parameters
ECN-RX--05-164 EN oktober 2005; 14 pag.
Presented at: Sardinia 2005, Tenth International waste management and landfill symposium, Sardinia, Italy, 3-7 oktober 2005.
Huijgen, W.J.J.; Comans, R.N.J.;
CO2 sequestration by aqueous mineral carbonation
ECN-RX--05-153 EN september 2005; 21 pag.
Presented at: 2nd annual seminar CO2NET, Paris, France, 12-14 september 2005.
Huijgen, W.J.J.; Comans, R.N.J.;
Carbon dioxide sequestration by mineral carbonation: Literature review update 2003-2004
ECN-C--05-022 EN juli 2005; 37 pag.
Huijgen, W.J.J.; Comans, R.N.J.;
Carbonation of alkaline waste materials and its application to mineral CO2-sequestration
ECN-RX--05-088 EN maart 2005; 19 pag.
Presented at: 32nd International Geological Conference, Florence, Italy, 20-28 augustus 2004.
Huijgen, W.J.J.; Comans, R.N.J.; Witkamp, G.J.;
CO2 sequestration by mineral carbonation
ECN-RX--05-089 EN maart 2005; 3 pag.
Presented at: 4th Netherlands Process technology Symposium (NPS4), Veldhoven, The Netherlands, 26-27 oktober 2004.
Huijgen, W.J.J.; Comans, R.N.J.; Witkamp, G.J.;
Mineral CO2 sequestration in alkaline solid residues
ECN-RX--04-079 EN december 2004; 6 pag.
Presented at: 7th International Conference on GreenHouse Gas Control Technologies (GHGT-7), Vancouver, Canada, 5-9 september 2004.
Sloot, H.A. van der; Zomeren, A. van; Seignette, P.F.A.B.; Dijkstra, J.J.; Comans, R.N.J.; Meeussen, J.C.L.; Kosson, D.S.; Hjelmar, O.;
Evaluation of environmental aspects of alternative materials using an integrated approach assisted by a database/expert system
ECN-RX--03-031 EN juni 2003; 24 pag.
Presented at: Advances in Waste Management and Recycling, Dundee, Scotland, 9-11 september 2003.
Comans, R.N.J.; Zuiver, E.; Geelhoed, P.A.; Hoede, D.;
Characterisation of the leaching properties of c-fix products and components
ECN-C--03-026 EN maart 2003; 38 pag.
Huijgen, W.J.J.; Comans, R.N.J.;
Carbon dioxide sequestration by mineral carbonation: Literature Review
ECN-C--03-016 EN februari 2003; 52 pag.
Comans, R.N.J.; Steketee, J.; Zomeren, A. van; Zuiver, E.;
Bepalingsmethoden voor reaktieve en inerte vormen van koolstof in grond, bouw- en afvalstoffen
ECN-C--03-127 NL februari 2003; 58 pag.
Dijkstra, J.J.; Comans, R.N.J.;
Ontwikkeling van de vastliggingsindicator en de stabiliteitsindicator
ECN-C--03-004 NL 2003; 46 pag.
Bergman, P.C.A.; Boerrigter, H.; Comans, R.N.J.; Doorn, J. van; Drift, A. van der; Eenkhoorn, S.; Geelhoed, P.A.; Heere, P.G.T.; Hoede, D.; Kiel, J.H.A.; Korbee, R.; Meijden, C.M. van der; Mozaffarian, M.; Neeft, J.P.A.; Paasen, S.V.B. van; Rabou, L.P.L.M.; Reith, J.H.; Uil, H. den; Veen, H.M. van; Visser, H.J.M.; Zessen, E. van; Zwart, R.W.R.; Simpson, B.; Laat, W.T.A.M. de; Niessen, J.J.; Jong, E. de; Elbersen, H.W.; Weusthuis, R.; Dijken, J.P. van; Raamsdonk, L.; Brenneisen, L.M.; Kant, E. de; Klein Teeselink, H.; Wubbe, R.;
Contributions ECN Biomass [17] to the '12th European conference and technology exhibition on Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate Protection'
ECN-RX--02-014 EN juni 2002; 55 pag.
Presented at: 12th European Conference and Technology Exhibition on Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate Protection, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 17-21 juni 2002.
Comans, R.N.J.; Roskam, G.; Oosterhoff, A.; Shor, L.; Wahlstrom, M.; Laine-Ylijoki, J.; Pihlajaniemi, M.; Ojala, M.; Broholm, K.; Villholth, K.; Hjelmar, O.; Heimovaara, T.; Keijzer, J.; Keijzer, H.;
Development of standard leaching tests for organic pollutants in soils, sediments and granual waste materials : final report
ECN-C--01-121 EN december 2001; 179 pag.
Comans, R.N.J.;
Development of standard leaching tests for organic pollutants in soils, sediments and granular waste materials : progress report
ECN-C--00-094 EN december 2000; 80 pag.
Comans, R.N.J.; Zomeren, A. van; Sloot, H.A. van der; Filius, J.;
Karakterisering organische stof: haalbaarheidsstudie naar genormaliseerde methoden voor de bepaling van de beschikbaarheid en rol van organische stof in grond, afval- en bouwstoffen m.b.t. verhoging van de uitloging van slecht water-oplosbare verontreinigingen
ECN-C--00-060 NL april 2000; 82 pag.
Comans, R.N.J.;
Modelling fluxes and bioavailability of radiocaesium and radiostrontium in freshwaters: final report ECOPRAQ project
ECN-C--99-104 EN december 1999; 110 pag.
Comans, R.N.J.; Koning, A. de; ... [et al.], ;
Modelling fluxes and bioavailability of radiocaesium and radiostrontium in freshwaters in support of a theoretical basis for chemical/hydrological countermeasures (ECOPRAQ): progress report 1998
ECN-C--99-029 EN 1999; 53 pag.
Korbee, R.; Eenkhoorn, S.; Heere, P.G.T.; Visser, H.J.M.; Comans, R.N.J.; Kiel, J.H.A.;
Combustion characteristics of low quality battle coals: mineral matter transformations
ECN-C--99-035 EN 1999; 55 pag.
Sloot, H.A. van der; Hoede, D.; Comans, R.N.J.; Groot, G.J. de;
Evaluatie nikkel-uitloging uit kalkzandsteen
ECN-C--98-102 NL december 1998; 26 pag.
Comans, R.N.J.; Geelhoed, P.A.;
Speciatie van arseen in verontreinigde en gereinigde grond: onderzoek naar mogelijkheden tot verhoging van het reinigingsrendement
ECN-C--98-110 NL december 1998; 20 pag.
Comans, R.N.J.; Geelhoed, P.A.; Zomeren, A. van; Geusebroek, M.;
Belang van opgeloste organische stof bij transport van contaminanten uit baggerspecie
ECN-C--98-076 NL oktober 1998; 46 pag.
Comans, R.N.J.; Koning, A. de; ... [et al.], ;
Modelling fluxes and bioavailability of radiocaesium and radiostrontium in freshwaters (Mid-term report ECOPRAQ project)
ECN-C--98-024 EN maart 1998; 63 pag.
Comans, R.N.J.; Geelhoed, P.A.;
Speciatie van metalen in verontreinigde en gereinigde grond en baggerspecie: uitloogprocessen en faktoren die daarop van invloed zijn
ECN-C--96-084 NL 1997; 94 pag.
Cnubben, P.A.J.P.; Comans, R.N.J.; Sloot, H.A. van der; Geelhoed, P.A.; Geusebroek, M.;
Zoutverwijdering uit rookgasreinigingsresiduen
ECN-C--97-017 NL 1997; 33 pag.
Comans, R.N.J.; Zevenbergen, C.;
Beoordeling van het effekt van grondreiniging op de uitloogbaarheid van grond
ECN-C--97-055 NL 1997; 86 pag.
Comans, R.N.J.;
Kinetics and reversibility of radiocaesium solid/liquid partitioning in sediments
ECN-RX--97-044 EN 1997; 20 pag.
Published in: Paper, presented at the NKS/IKO-1 Seminar 'Dating of sediments and determination of sedimentation rate', Finnish Centre for Radi (), , Ed., p.-.
Comans, R.N.J.; Geelhoed, P.A.; Hoede, D.;
In-situ uitloging van metalen in de waterbodem van de haven van Elburg vóóren na sanering
ECN-C--96-070 NL 1996; 60 pag.
Comans, R.N.J.; Konings, R.J.M.; Prij, J.; Woittiez, J.R.W.;
Disciplineversterking scheiding en immobilisatie van radionukliden:inventarisatie van aanwezige en benodigde kennis
ECN-I--96-044 NL 1996; 23 pag.
Comans, R.N.J.; Geelhoed, P.A.;
In-situ distribution coefficients and exchangeability of radiocaesium inaquatic systems
ECN-RX--96-053 EN 1996; 12 pag.
Comans, R.N.J.; Hilton, J.; Cremers, A.; Bonouvrie, P.A.; Smith, J.T.;
Predicting radiocaesium ion-exchange behaviour in freshwater sediments
ECN-RX--93-108 EN 1993; 3 pag.
Comans, R.N.J.; Sloot, H.A. van der; Bonouvrie, P.A.;
Speciatie van contaminanten tijdens uitloging van AVI-bodemas : beoordeling van oplosbaarheidsbepalende processen in het licht van mogelijke proces- en/of beheersmaatregelen
ECN-C--93-090 NL 1993; 58 pag.
Sloot, H.A. van der; Hoek, E.E. van der; Groot, G.J. de; Comans, R.N.J.;
Classification of pulverized coal ash : part 1. Leaching behaviour of coal fly ash.
ECN-C--92-059 EN 1992; 62 pag.
Comans, R.N.J.; Bonouvrie, P.A.; Lange, G.J. de;
In-situ and laboratory study of radiocaesium mobility in freshwater sediments
ECN-RX--92-053 EN 1992; 8 pag.
Sloot, H.A. van der; Comans, R.N.J.; Eighmy, T.T.; Kosson, D.S.;
Interpretation of MSWI residue leaching data in relation to utilization and disposal
ECN-RX--92-051 EN 1992; 11 pag.
Comans, R.N.J.; Sloot, H.A. van der; Hoede, D.; Bonouvrie, P.A.;
Chemical processes at a redox/pH interface arising from the use of steel slag in the aquatic environment. : Proceedings of an international ; conference on environmental implications of construction with waste materials (WASCON '91), Maastricht, 10-14
ECN-RX--91-091 EN 1991; 0 pag.