Karakterisering organische stof: haalbaarheidsstudie naar genormaliseerde methoden voor de bepaling van de beschikbaarheid en rol van organische stof in grond, afval- en bouwstoffen m.b.t. verhoging van de uitloging van slecht water-oplosbare verontreinigingen
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The aim of the title feasibility study is to determine the feasibility ofstandardized methods by means of which (1) potential chemically or
biologically degradable organic carbon in soil and waste materials; and (2)
the fraction that is responsible for an accelerated leaching of badly
water-soluble pollutants, focusing on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH),
polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) and heavy metals, can be analyzed. This
report is based on the results of a literature study and consultation of a
few experts in the field of characterizing organic materials in
soils/sediments and waste materials. 88 refs.
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