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ECN publication
Disciplineversterking scheiding en immobilisatie van radionukliden:inventarisatie van aanwezige en benodigde kennis
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ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-I--96-044 Other
Number of pages: Full text:
23 Download PDF  

An overview of the knowledge and technical possibilities within the unitsNuclear Energy, Radiation Technology, and Fossil Fuels of the Netherlands Energy Research Foundation (ECN) in the fields of separation and immobilization, including the geochemical behavior, of radionuclides, is given. The aim of the survey is to maintain the competence at ECN in this field, to better serve the present market in the future, and to explore potential, new markets, all by means of a disciplinary-oriented development. From the results of the survey it appears that the present knowledge and technical know-how at the three units is complementary and that there are good options to strengthen the position of ECN, in particular in the working areas back-end of the nuclear fuel cycle, and the post trajectory of the decontamination activities (actinide migration in the geosphere and the biosphere, assessment of the effectiveness of immobilization of fissionable materials with respect to recycling, leaching performance of waste containers and natural radioisotopes in solid waste, produced by the group Decontamination and Radioactive Waste Processing (DRA, abbreviated in Dutch) and a modelled description, health effects of radiation. Recommendations are given how the required knowledge reinforcement can be realized. 59 refs.

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