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ECN publication
Kernenergie & Brandstofmix. Effecten van nieuwe kerncentrales na 2020 in de kernenergiescenario’s uit het Energierapport 2008
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 11-5-2010
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-E--10-033 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
120 Download PDF  

This report, prepared for Ministries of Economic Affairs (EZ) and of the Environment (VROM), presents facts and figures on new nuclear energy in the Netherlands, in the period after 2020. The information is meant to support a stakeholder discussion process on the role of new nuclear power in the transition to a sustainable energy supply for the Netherlands. The report covers a number of issues relevant to the subject. Facts and figures on the following issues are presented:

  • Nuclear power and the power market (including impact of nuclear power on electricity market prices).
  • Economic aspects (including costs of nuclear power and external costs and benefits, impact on end user electricity prices).
  • The role of nuclear power with respect to security of supply.
  • Sustainability aspects, including environmental aspects.
  • The impact of nuclear power in three ‘nuclear energy scenarios’ for the Netherlands, within the context of a Northwest European energy market:
    1. No new nuclear power in the Netherlands (‘Base case’).
    2. After closure of the existing Borssele nuclear power plant by the end of 2033, the construction of new nuclear power plant that will operate in 2040. That plant is assumed to be designed not to have a serious core melt down accident (e.g. PBMR) (200 to 500 MWe).
    3. New nuclear power shortly after closure the Borssele nuclear power plant in 2033 (1000 to 1600 MWe, Generation 3).
    4. New nuclear power plants shortly after 2020 (2000 to 5000 MWe, Generation 3).

Two electricity demand scenario background scenario variants have been constructed based on an average GDP growth of about 2% per year up to 2040. The first variant is based on a steadily growing electricity demand and on currently established NL and EU policies and instruments. It is expected to be largely consistent with a new and forthcoming reference projection ‘Energy and Emissions 2010-2020’ for the Netherlands (published by ECN and PBL in 2010). A lower demand variant is based on additional energy savings and on higher shares of renewable electricity generation in particular wind energy. The study reported here has its focus mainly on the time period after 2020. Current trends in new build electricity production capacity determine the evolution up to 2020. The Netherlands appears to be a quite attractive location within Northwestern Europe.

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