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ECN publication
Hydrogenation of striation rings in n-type silicon wafers
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Solar Energy 14-9-2015
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-M--15-008 Conference Paper
Number of pages: Full text:
5 Download PDF  

N-type silicon has become more popular as base material for solar cells and receives an increasing amount of attention as a result. One of the defects occurring in n-type silicon are ring shaped patterns in lifetime maps (aka striation rings), which cause a steep decrease in conversion efficiency. Striation rings are linked to oxygen and can decrease recombination activity by anneals, illuminations and hydrogen in-diffusions, all which are usable on cell level. A decrease in recombination activity can be affected at temperatures up to 375 °C, whereas this decrease can be reversed by anneals above 500 °C. A side effect of these treatments is a change in resistivity even at temperatures below thermal donor formation. Investigations to the field stability of these treatments show no increase in recombination activity so far.

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